Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Life

Time for another installment of my life, where I talk about something random in my life!

I found out on Thursday that I was going to have a three day weekend because my office is closed on Columbus Day. There is no better feeling in the world than unexpectedly getting a three day weekend. My enthusiasm was tempered a little bit on Friday, when I had to take my car into the shop. The total damage: $370 and a Friday night without my car. The mechanic originally said the total was going to be $440 before tax, but then he called to tell me that the total was only $370. So, let's just say I negotiated the price down. The important part of that story is that I didn't have a car last night and that is where it begins.

I'm car-less so I had two options last night: stay home or go wherever my roommate, J2, was going. Luckily for me he was going to Eazy E and Bjorn's house in Scottsdale, so I decided to tag along. Their house is in a gated community, it is on a golf course and it is pretty nice. It also looks like a command center. Their living room has five TVs and two computers. There were two flat screen TVs, one for video games and one for sports. There was also a third TV that was always on ESPN, never a bad thing to have. Just when you think this room has it all, it also has a fully functioning kegerator. Let's recap: mulitple tvs, sports, video games and flowing beer. What's not to love? The night mostly consisted of us playing the new NBA Live 09 while watching old NBA games from 1995 on NBA TV, can you say NBA junkees?

That, however, is not the story of the night. Don't ask me how it came up but at some point in the night Bjorn was telling us how his neighbor caught a 40 pound catfish in the canal right by their house (this is no ordinary canal, this is a HUGE canal). After hearing this story I get the bright idea to go catfish hunting. I don't know why, but it seemed like the right thing to do. So off to the canal J2 and I went, I guess the rest of the crew decided that going catfish hunting at 1am in a canal is not a good idea.

In order to get to this canal we had to cross the golf course and hop a fence, which included me almost having a deadly encoutner with a cactus. Once we got to this huge canal we just kind of stood around, because we werent actually going to go catfish hunting at 1am without fishing polls. To kill some time J2 and I both threw a rock into the water. Suddenly after, something made a huge splash in the water, and it wasn't another rock. We were startled, then we vaugley saw some sort of flying creature take off into the night. Were these two events connected? Probably not. Either way, we decided to throw more rocks into the water. Not much happened but as we were about to leave we threw in one final rock, and something big and white emerged from the water and started jumping around. We had no idea what it was and didn't care to find out, we hauled ass back to the house.

The entire crew decided to go back to that canal about 30 minutes later but we couldn't get the thing to reappear. Now I know what it feels like to be one of those wacky UFO believers. Either way, there was something in that canal. Maybe it was a 40 pound catfish, but that doesn't explain the flying creature we saw. Some night I need to return to this canal and really find out what is going on.