Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Insight Bowl

So the Insight Bowl is definitely NOT where I wanted ASU to be bowling in much bigger games. However it was a disappointing season which I have already blogged about and I was happy for them just to be in a bowl, especially a bowl right at home. The only problem was we waited to long to get tickets and they sold out so we had no way in, or did we? Some Rutgers football players gave us (Gabe, Baker and I) so we got to go! So we roll into the game and we are able to get tickets next to each other. Rutgers was handing out free Rutgers shirts at the game and they were nice so I wanted one. The girl there tried to deny us the shirts (we were wearing ASU stuff). In which I told her we were with the players and we told her who we were with. She said there was no way we were with them but gave us the shirts anyways after I told her we got not beef with Rutgers. As she gave a shirt to Gabe, who was wearing an ASU sweatshirt, some Rutgers fans yelled, "don't tell me you are giving that to him!" It was awesome.
So off we were to our seats which ended up being FRONT ROW seats right behind the D-backs Dugout. These are prime seats. We were right in the heart of the Rutgers section but we found a few ASU fans to cheer with down there. Well down there we witnessed some awesome stuff: Like a Super hot Rutgers cheer leader (their cheerleaders are hotter than ours I think, which should not be possible) that was near us, Gabe caught a football that was kicked into the stands after an extra point, and we basically had the wrath of hundreds of Rutgers fans coming at us. At one point the Rutgers fans started to chant at us, "Go Home ASU." So I turned around and replied, "But I am home." That got a good laugh out of them. One of the ASU fans that was in our section, after his 20th beer or something, got into a fight with a Rutgers fan so that is always entertaining. Baker high fived some hot chick as she entered into a tunnel that our seats were right by. Getting on TV, I think for channel 3 or something I dont really know.
As for the actual game, well it was ugly at first. ASU didnt seem to even try on defense, they were not even tackling at all. Rutgers rolled all over them to the tune of a 24-10 lead before ASU scored right before halftime and somehow were only down by 7 at the half (even though they had played so terrible). The 2nd half belong to the Sun Devils even though it got a little close at the end. I must say Rudy Burgess is a clutch player. He scored the game winning TD in the Sun Bowl last year, he took over in the 4th vs Arizona a month ago and he took over the 4th quarter again tonight running the ball when we needed it the most. I must say that guy is clutch and he has two more years left! Rudy Carpenter was amazing, 471 yds 4tds and 0ints! Holy Shit! That's a game. I love Sam Keller but I would not be sad if Carpenter won the starting job (althought I want Sam start next year). It was tough to see Dale's career end with an injury, I will miss him sorely. I would like to thank him, Derek Hagan, Matt Miller, Jamal Williams and all the seniors for 4 great years. Oh yeah and that Matt Miller 45 yard TD catch on 2nd and 25 was so awesome because it happened right in front of us. I also want to give props to Dirk Koetter for letting Chad Chrisitinson (There is no way I spelled that right) take the final snap of the game. Chad had done so much little stuff for Dirk over the last 4 years it was nice to see Dirk reward him

Overall it was a great night and I will always remember it.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Goodbye to Sun Devil Stadium (at least professionals)

On this Christmas Eve 12/24/2005 The 4-10 Cardinals played the 6-8 Eagles in a game no one cared about. Except it had one very big meaning: It was to be the last professional football game ever played at Sun Devil Stadium, the last Cardinal game (they move into a new stadium next year for any of you that have just returned from Mars). I'm not going to sugar coat it, there have not been many good times in the 16 years the Cards have been here. A sign at the game yesterday said: Thanks for the Memories: Both of Them. Anyway I have alot of memories from the Cards days at SDS, most of the bad, a few of the good, all of them awesome. I would like to share them with you:

1995- It was the last home game of the season for the Cardinals and it was Monday Night Football vs the Cowboys. I went to the game with my dad and uncle and the Cardinals got KILLED. I think it was like 28-3 or something. Then head coach Buddy Ryan (the white Denny Green?) had to be escorted off the field by security after the game as fans threw stuff at him and booed him. Shortly after that game Ryan was fired (its not often you have a complete nut job running your team, Buddy Ryan created the famed 46 defense for the 85 Bears, ran the defense on some good Houston teams in the early 90s and went to the playoffs with Randall Cunningham and the Eagles in the early 90s as well, yet after that game with the Cardinals capping a 4-12 season he has never even sniffed an NFL job ever again.)

1997- This was an interesting year, the year before the Cardinals had their only good year. They lost an amazing amount of games by 7 points are less and they finally beat the Cowboys for the first time since the Truman administration (just kidding, sort of. Speaking of that game, the Cards won it 25-22 on an overtime FG that Kevin Butler almost missed and the fans stormed the field and tore down the goalpost. Thats right, Cardinal fans tore down the goalpost after a REGULAR SEASON game and the team went 4-12.) Anyway I went to a game that year with my dad vs the New York Giants and the Cardinals just got smoked. Kent Graham got hurt during the game and everyone wanted to see rookie Jake Plummer enter the game. One guy behind us even yelled "bring in the rapist!" (if you remember correctly shortly before he was drafted some crazy girl accused Jake Plummer of raping her. Nothing ever came of it.) Anyway the Cardinals brought some hack in named Stoney Case and continued to get killed (just for the record Plummer came into the game vs Philly next year and dominated and his legend was born sort of.) Anyway that is not the real story of the game. Since the game was such a blow out some guy behind us decided to rip on Giant's punter Brad Maynard the whole game. He kept yelling stuff at him, stuff like he was a homo because he held balls (during FGs, ya know). Anyway Maynard was rattled by this because who heckles a punter? Anyway Maynard was practicing punting by kicking a ball into a net right infront of us and the guy was just screaming at him. On his next practice kick Maynard whiffs the punt and kicks the top of the net and it comes crashing down on him. Priceless comedy, the whole section cracked up. Now that is a memory.

1998- Cardinals one good year. Everyone knows about the FG by Chris Jackie and everything so I am not going to touch on it.

1999- This was a wired year. The Cardinals were hyped up big time and expected to be one of the NFL's best teams. Management gave Plummer a HUGE contract that proceeded to release anyone around him that he relied on last year (i.e Larry Centers) so basically Plummer had to do it all by himself and we all know he cant do it all by himself. He hurt his thumb in the preseason and it effected him all year. He put up maybe the worst QB year in the history of the NFL (9tds and 24ints), 1998 1,000 yard rusher Adrian Murrell aged about 10 years by the end of 1998 to the start of the 1999 season. They were riddled with injuries and started 2-6 yet somehow managed to get back to 6-6 and had a HUGE game vs Washington for first place and they laid an egg and the Cardinals were never even close to be competitive ever again (Save the 4-2 start in 2002, but I do no think anyone thought they were a real threat). Anyway my SDS memory this year was going to the home opener vs San Fransico on Monday night football. It was Steve Young's last game and Jeff Garcia's first. I still remember the play that ended Young's career. The game was so lopsided that the only thing Cardinal fans had to cheer about was when the jumbotron showed a graphic of the Diamondbacks being 1999 NL West Champions. Another memory I have from that year was an epic Cardinal comeback vs the Eagles late in the season that evened their record at 6-6, man was I pumped up after that game.

2000- Just a terrible year. The last SDS sellout for a Cardinal game occurred this year vs the Packers. 2000 was either the year the Cardinals were supposed to get back to playoff form or prove that 1998 was a fluke. Well they lost like 30-3 or something and we all knew it was not happening with this crew. Plummer had a rough year and rookie Thomas Jones could not do anything. Dave McGinnis took over this year when the Cardinals were just terrible and managed to coax some inspiring performances out of the Cardinals, a win over Washington which included a 103 yard fumble return for TD by Aneas Williams. After the game prop 302 passed and the Cardinals were going to get their new stadium (it only took 6 years). In McGinnis first game they were beating the Saints in almost every facet of the game (this was the one good Saints team that went 10-6, you know the only reason Jim Haslett and Aaron Brooks have lasted so long) before they blew it on turnovers, and when they were about 3-11 and probably the worst team in football management said McGinnis would be head coach next year and the Cards went out and played the soon to be champs, the Baltimore Ravens, so well that it was an inspiring 13-7 loss (when you do not have that many wins, losses can be inspiring).

2001- This was weird year, but aren't they all? The Cards sucked it up and started 2-6 and then made started to play really good football in the second half, at one point even getting into the playoff talk. Plummer had his best satistical year as a Cardinal and David Boston had his one good year. I remember going to a game verse Washington when the Cards were 5-6 and a win would be HUGE for playoff reasons, however they suffered a heartbreaking 20-10 loss and I was crushed, again. Just for the record they finished the year 7-9 and had a 5-3 second half (hey these things mean something when you are a cardinal fan. 7-9 is considered one hell of a year).

2002- Ah what a tease this year was. They started out 4-2, but mainly because they played an easy schedule. Went into a HUGE game with the 49ers with first place on the line and got, you guessed it, killed. They lost 38-28 but the game was not even that close. However their 4-2 start coupled with their 5-3 finish in 2001 made the cardinals 9-5 in a 14 game strech (and this means nothing I know). The Cards finish the season 1-9 and its another down year.

2003- What a year. They sign Emmit and he has a terrible year. They got rid of Jake and brought in a Jeff (Blake) who throws the best deep ball in the league (its so pretty that no one can catch it. How many times did this guy overthrow a wide open WR? too many). It was also Anquan Boldin's first year. My memories from this year include going to a 38-0 blowout by the Seahawks. I was at the game with Justin and Baker and we were so freaking hot we left at halftime. That's just about all that happened that year. Oh wait Josh McCown did throw a TD pass to Nate Poole with no time left in the season to knock the Vikings out of the playoffs which led to two great things: The Viking's announcer halrious call, and the drafting of Larry Fitzgerald.

2004- Denny's first year and the most fun year I had watching the Cards in a while. This team had no talent yet they stayed in every game but one or two. At one point they even looked like they could make the playoffs. They had a great draft that included three of my favorite players of all time: Fitz, Dansby and Dockett. They finally made a good free agent signing (Bert Berry). If Denny had not decided to play musical QBs in the middle of a winning streak who knows what would have happened. SDS highlight includes going to the Cardinal-Patriot game. The halftime tribute to Pat Tillman was awesome. Then there was the drunk Cardinal fan who heckled me (I was wearing my Cardinal stuff.) He kept telling me to stand up and cheer and I kept declining. He kept bugging me to the point were I yelled, "Heckle a freaking Patriot Fan." (I was sitting next to like 8 patriot fans.) About a quarter later security removed the guy, he was hammered as shit. Also a highlight from the game is when some drunk guy pointed at Justin's shirt that read Arizona Sports Camp in red letters, the drunk patriot fan thought it was a cardinal shirt and pointed at the shirt and then pointed to the ground (as if the Cardinals were going down). However it was not a Cardinal shirt which prompted Justin to say, "I guess Arizona Sports Camp is going down."

2005- What a disappointment. The most hyped season since 1999 and it played out just like that season. The only real highlight of the season was a preseason game we, justin and baker went to in which Ed brought us free hot dogs and gave us a ride back to our car! It was fun watching Kurt Warner throw to Fitz and Boldin, who had great years. This team also featured the worst offensive line in football history. Oh well there is always next year.

So there you have it. You might be sad right now and you might be thinking "poor Aaron" but do not feel sorry for me. I have enjoyed watching Cardinals football. I have removed myself from thinking the team will win and from taking losses to seriously. I just watch it for fun now, if the Cards win I am happy if they lose I am not happy but I let it go easily. Its just fun to be apart of something and hoping one year when they do win again I will be able to say, "I stuck with this team every year." (Because when the Cards do have a winning season, you will see an amazing amount of bandwagon fans, I am telling you it will blow your socks off. Because as Bjorn says, "we are all Cardinals fans deep down")

Here is to the new stadium and hopefully to better years, but if not that is cool. Even though its another losing season this year it feels different then most. The Cardinals actually have some good, fun players to watch like Warner, Fitz, Boldin, Dansby, Dockett, Berry, Wilson and Rolle. I'm not saying they are gonna be good, but at least they have some good players.

On an unrelated note, Merry Christmas everyone!

Remember when I said Thanksgiving was an underrated holiday? Well its true but X-mas still trumps it. Not only do you get to sit around and eat all day, there is more sweets, there is also football and the added bonus of basketball, plus you get gifts! No wonder its the most wonderful time of the year. So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Looking out for #1

So when I started this blog four score and seven years ago I started it to A) have a creative outlet because you the reader were being deprived of my creative skills (go ahead an laugh now, I'll be laughing later) and B) to talk about the O.C. since its the one show everyone I know watches. Except for Adam, he claims the show is for 12 year old girls. Well if watching the show makes me a 12 year old girl, then I guess its a sacrifice that has to be made! Anyway I think I posted thoughts on every episode until the season finale. I have not done that at all this year (Id like to say it is because I have more of life, but that would just be kidding myself). So anyway without further adieu, here are my thoughts on the season so far:

- Hasn't it felt like its been like 4 different seasons this year already? From the Dean/Taylor storyline, to the Jerri Ryan storyline, to the Johnny storyline its been hectic,
- Can we please be done with Johnny? Does he add anything anymore? He seems like an anchor to me and a Ryan clone. But you know they are going to find a way in which Ryan and Johnny have an epic fight over the heart of Marissa.
- I think we all know Summer and Seth are not going to end up going to Brown or any school on the East Coast. That would dampen a little something I like to call season 4.
- I think Taylor is hot, when she doesn't talk. Her character being the antagonist is kind of over since she made nice with everyone, yet I saw her in the previews for the January episodes. Can she really add anything now that her nitch is gone?
- When Ryan decides to get a sex change in order to help Seth run for Governor of the Moon. (Just seeing if you were still paying attention).
- Remember that episode were that crazy surfer guy wanted to fight Ryan all episode. Then he ended up kidnapping Marissa, but got scared off by Ryan breaking a bottle? That's the O.C. for you. Bonus points for the unnecessary scene at the end of the episode were Ryan just punches a punching bag for five minutes (can you say unnecessary?)
- The Dean, he was so over the top he was actually a good character. His character would not have worked on any other show but the O.C. I am glad to see him gone though, I think people would have tired of him quickly.
- Who doesn't Julie hook up with? Speaking of her I liked the scene in last episode when she is sitting in her trailer watching nascar and living the hick life. That was some good O.C. comedy. Plus everytime Kerstin knocks on her door she thinks it is Gus and yells at him for some crazy reason. Thats just good writing.

Well I think I just about covered everything, so I would like to rank the characters in terms of awesomeness this year:

1. Sandy (coolest TV dad ever?)
2. Summer
3. Ryan
4. Marissa
5. Seth
6. Kerstin
7. Julie
8. Taylor
9. Johnny
10. Chili (remember him? The public school Seth)

okay so maybe I really am a 12 year old girl

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


My first official blog as a member of blogspot, I feel so, so actually I do not feel any different at all. I am not sure why I decided to change venue, I just thought blogspot had more to offer in the way of awesomeoness. Anyway for those who read my old blog thank you for crossing over. For those new readers (thats going out in a limb) you can catch my old stuff here.
I still plan to bring you the same stuff I brought you before. However this time around I can post pictures and do a bunch of other stuff that will in no way enhance your blogging experience. So more blogs to come later,

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