Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Looking out for #1

So when I started this blog four score and seven years ago I started it to A) have a creative outlet because you the reader were being deprived of my creative skills (go ahead an laugh now, I'll be laughing later) and B) to talk about the O.C. since its the one show everyone I know watches. Except for Adam, he claims the show is for 12 year old girls. Well if watching the show makes me a 12 year old girl, then I guess its a sacrifice that has to be made! Anyway I think I posted thoughts on every episode until the season finale. I have not done that at all this year (Id like to say it is because I have more of life, but that would just be kidding myself). So anyway without further adieu, here are my thoughts on the season so far:

- Hasn't it felt like its been like 4 different seasons this year already? From the Dean/Taylor storyline, to the Jerri Ryan storyline, to the Johnny storyline its been hectic,
- Can we please be done with Johnny? Does he add anything anymore? He seems like an anchor to me and a Ryan clone. But you know they are going to find a way in which Ryan and Johnny have an epic fight over the heart of Marissa.
- I think we all know Summer and Seth are not going to end up going to Brown or any school on the East Coast. That would dampen a little something I like to call season 4.
- I think Taylor is hot, when she doesn't talk. Her character being the antagonist is kind of over since she made nice with everyone, yet I saw her in the previews for the January episodes. Can she really add anything now that her nitch is gone?
- When Ryan decides to get a sex change in order to help Seth run for Governor of the Moon. (Just seeing if you were still paying attention).
- Remember that episode were that crazy surfer guy wanted to fight Ryan all episode. Then he ended up kidnapping Marissa, but got scared off by Ryan breaking a bottle? That's the O.C. for you. Bonus points for the unnecessary scene at the end of the episode were Ryan just punches a punching bag for five minutes (can you say unnecessary?)
- The Dean, he was so over the top he was actually a good character. His character would not have worked on any other show but the O.C. I am glad to see him gone though, I think people would have tired of him quickly.
- Who doesn't Julie hook up with? Speaking of her I liked the scene in last episode when she is sitting in her trailer watching nascar and living the hick life. That was some good O.C. comedy. Plus everytime Kerstin knocks on her door she thinks it is Gus and yells at him for some crazy reason. Thats just good writing.

Well I think I just about covered everything, so I would like to rank the characters in terms of awesomeness this year:

1. Sandy (coolest TV dad ever?)
2. Summer
3. Ryan
4. Marissa
5. Seth
6. Kerstin
7. Julie
8. Taylor
9. Johnny
10. Chili (remember him? The public school Seth)

okay so maybe I really am a 12 year old girl