Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'm Back

With inspiration from Douglas MacAarthur, I say to you: "Readers to my blog, I have returned, Rally to me!"

Hey I'm back! It's good to be back and I hope that I did not lose to many readers with my prolonged absence. Hey, if a blogger writes and no one is reading, does it make a sound? We will find out. I went on hiatus because this past semester at school literally kicked my ass. I've never done so much work in my life, but that is over now. I went back to school to become a teacher, but ultimately I have chosen a different route with my life. I have taken a full time job as a content manager at the company I worked part time for. I wont bore you with the details, just know that I do a lot of editing now! I would love to get into writing or editing someday, but for now this is a good job that pays very well starting out. I also need to exercise my writing abilities more often, which means more blogging! Lucky for you!

There is a serious problem in this world I must address though . . .

The Writer's Strike

As past readers of this blog know, I love me some TV (that was incorrect grammar on purpose). When I've been going 110 mph with school work over the past few semesters watching TV was my escape. For an hour or so a night I could get lost in someone else's life, and not worry about what monster paper or project I had to write next. Well that has all come to a screeching halt with the writers strike, but don't worry I have a list of things you can do with all this free time you are going to have.

  • Play the Wii. I guess this could be video games in general but I decided to stick with the Wii since it is more family oriented. Pick up a copy of a fun Wii party game, or even simple Wii sports, and have fun with people you like to hang out with. I am a little hypocritical saying this because I do not really play Wii all that much, or even own one (my roomate does), but it is a fun way to kill time. It also gives you quite the work out! Play Wii Tennis for a while and try not to sweat, it gets intense.
  • Watch Bowl Games. Sure you may not find a game like the New Mexico Bowl pitting Nevada versus New Mexico interesting, but there is some intrigue in every bowl game. It classifies as reality TV, for you reality TV people (I hate reality TV if you remember). You might see a cool play or two, and there is always unique tradition when it comes to the bowl game or the teams. During the week after Christmas there is a game on every night! Including ASU vs Texas on the 27th! Hey if you are still bored by these games, bet on them. That always makes them more fun!
  • Watch NBA Basketball. I wrote about this on the Tecmo Blog. The NBA has been a lot of fun to watch this year. Plus who doesn't love watching Shawn Marion halftime interviews, LeBron James be awesome, Chris Paul and Deron Williams become great point guards, Rasheed Wallace getting technical fouls or Vince Carter skate through another season without really trying? You never know when there will be another Truck Party or another drunk Boris Diaw appearance. The NBA, where amazing happens.
  • Play trivial pursuit. Nothing beats a good game of trivia, especially when I am the one who is working you.
  • Moves and DVDs. This would be a great time to see more movies or watch certain TV shows on DVD that you never got a chance to watch before.
  • History Channel. The History, Discovery and Travel channel are all you really need to get you through life anyway.
  • Do something creative. Write, sing, dance! Whatever it is you like to do start doing it.
  • Read my blog. Yeah I'll update it more often, I am back ya know.
If all else fails, DRINK!!!!!!!!! We are no longer slaves to TV, time to live a little. Well I got my return blog out of the way and I have done quite a bit of rambling, so I guess I picked up right where I left off. I'm back and so are you.