Thursday, February 21, 2008


I don't care who you want to vote for, this is just awesome. P.S. Double the Blog officially endorses Barack Obama. Impact on the national election: Zero.

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Three Best Super Bowl Commercials of All Time

You know what is amazing? The three best Super Bowl commercials of all time happened in this year's Super Bowl!

They were:

Umm what is better than Thriller? CGI Lizards doing Thriller!

Umm, what wakes you up better than Haddaway? Nothing, the answer is nothing. (Bonus points for the random LL sighting)

Umm whats better than a montage with Rocky music? Bonus points for the dalmatian playing the role of Mick. Bonus points would have been awarded if a mean Russian horse somehow was involved in this commercial.

Wow, what a Super Bowl.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Rambo IV Review

I saw Rambo on opening night, because there was pretty much no way I was not going to see it on opening night. It took me a while to post this review, I apologize for that. So here we go:

Oh wait, I know why I didn't post anything: I don't have anything to write! I'll sum up this movie in a few key buzzwords:

  • Action
  • Violence
  • Gore
  • Sly Stallone
  • No Plot
  • Gore
  • Gore
  • Gore
Do you like a lot of action with no plot? Then this is the movie for you. I enjoyed it, because it's fun watching Sly Stallone brutally kill dozens people. Go with your friends and get excited for the next gruesome kill that is coming. Don't waste your time and effort into thinking there is going to be a plot, and certainly don't go see this movie unless you know exactly what you are getting in to. It's short, its fun and as I put shortly after I say it, "its better than drinking ten Red Bulls."

Grade: Incomplete, its horrible but awesome . . .