Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Arizona is Crazy and Other Random Thoughts

You know how crazy Arizona is? It was 108 degrees today and the high for Thursday is 74 degrees! How do you have a 34 degree drop over the course of two days? When was the last time there was a 74 degree day in late May? It is like the weather gods just want to mess with Arizona. I, for one, love seeing mid 70s days in late May but I am going to need a string of very hot days in order to get my body adjusted for Summer. As I mentioned before, it was 108 degrees today and I could barely handle it. It is not looking like I am ready for Summer yet. Just to make you feel warm I think I will include a picture of the sun. Yeah, that's right.

I found a cure to the common cold. I know, I should be making millions right? It won't prevent you from getting a cold but it will get rid of your cold in almost a day. It only involves two things, one of which is incredibly hard to find. It requires about a gallon of orange juice (easy to find) and a full free day in which you don't have any obligation (hard to find). If you spend one full day drinking and sleeping you will do wonders for your cold. Lack of sleep is what prolongs colds the most. I went to sleep at about 10:30pm on Saturday night (because I felt terrible) woke up at about twelve hours later on Sunday morning. I then took a three hour nap in the middle of the day and went to sleep at 9pm. When I was awake I didn't do much other then watch TV. I killed the entire gallon of OJ, which gave me much needed vitamin C and hydration.

What happened next? Well my symptoms were pretty much gone on Monday afternoon. So let's recap: I started getting sick on Saturday night and I was done being sick on Monday afternoon. That is some quick turnaround, I've seen people be sick for up to a week. Don't thank me, just try my awesome method for cold busting.

Aaron Thuringer's cold busting method works perfectly on him, but has not been tested on anyone else. Therefore different body types may handle sickness differently, and Aaron Thuringer's cold busting method may not have the same effects on you that it does on him. That will be all.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Iron Man Review

Iron Man is just another movie in the long line of Marvel movies that will be coming out soon. Marvel signed a deal with some studio to produce mass amounts of their movies. (Wow, great, informative journalism on my part. You think I would have a link for you, I don't) You can already see the effects of this, they are already making another Hulk movie, and its not a sequel to the shitty one of a few years ago (to be fair I never saw it, I just heard it was bad). Okay, on with the review:

Tony Stark (played very well by Robert Downey Jr) is an engineering genius who also happens to be the CEO of Stark Enterprises, a weapons manufacturer, and a multimillionaire. He is kind of like Bruce Wayne, if Bruce Wayne was more colorful and had a drinking problem. While in Afghanistan, he is kidnapped by a terrorist group that demands he build them some kick ass missiles. Instead, Stark builds a suit of armor and fights his way out of his prison. He returns to the States, perfects his suit of armor and becomes the Iron Man.

I am always a fan of these summer, action-adventure blockbusters and Iron Man falls right in line. Good action, good looking girls, some good humor and unrealistic outcomes. I always feel this makes for a good time at the movies, and that is all we can really ask for. The movie has a pretty solid cast. Robert Downey Jr has always been a very good actor when not in rehab. His character is pretty funny, if not over the top. I've always liked Gwyneth Paltrow and I think she does a good enough job in this movie. Terrance Howard is a solid actor who will have a bigger roll in the sequels, but still brings a good effort to this movie. Jeff Bridges is great, but that is not a surprise because he is always great. You can never go wrong with having him in your movie. (Plus, he was "the Dude")

The entire movie is pretty enjoyable, although the climax did not really wow me or anything. Here is what I can say: this movie is worth your money. You don't have to think too hard (unless you are analyzing what lies in the realm of possibility in this movie, which you shouldn't) and there are some cool effects to see. Go enjoy yourself and see it.

Grade: B

P.S. The best part about this movie is something you probably won't be able to enjoy. I was at work on Friday, it was just after lunch and I was settling in to my final work afternoon of the week. Then my bosses come out of their office and decide to take all the full time employees to see Iron Man. So, instead of working on Friday afternoon the office went and saw Iron Man. What a life.