Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Picture Blog ver 1.0

OKay I needed to cheer myself up, plus I had alot of hate in that last post. So I give you the light hearted, first ever Picture Blog. Here you have it:

What the hell are these refs looking at?

Your Two Time NBA MVP

Couldnt have a picture blog with out Ron Ron
in it. I couldnt find one of him forearming Manu

Can you believe it? He actually fell to AZ!

Come on, you know you're looking at the
best backcourt in NBA history. Or at least the
most entertaining.

Thats Wild Homo.

The Lakers are Gay

I have not been able to update my blog in a few days because I have been busy. But I am going to write a quick blurb on this Suns-Lakers series, try and make it brief so it does not deteriorate into F-bombs galore. The Lakers are so freaking LUCKY. They have gotten EVERY break this series (I’m not talking about officiating, I’m talking about loose balls, Suns shots going in and out, Smush Parker playing a typical Smush Parker type game, going 1-10, then hitting a miracle three.). So when they steal the ball of Nash twice in the last seconds of regulation and OT it shouldn’t have surprised me.

How they called a jump ball instead of a Nash TO is BEYOND me. I guess the Lakers are just that lucky. Then you know the Suns were not going to get the tip, I mean I seriously knew because the Lakers get every break. When Kobe got the ball the whole world knew he was not going to miss. Luck is not the reason the Lakers are up 3-1, its because the Suns lake of size is killing them. And it is because the Lakers completely changed their offensive game plan before start of the series (if Kobe played this way the whole season he can damn well bet he would have been MVP). Every time I see Kurt Thomas and Amare on the bench in street clothes I want to cry, I seriously do. Why did Amare have to get hurt? Argh I don’t want to go there, I’m not trying to play the injury card. I am just pissed off, you guys know. You would be pissed two if you were a Suns fan and the other team you were facing got every break in the book. If that other team had shitty players start playing good (Kwame Brown, Sasha something and Luke Walton). You would be mad if every loose ball materialized into Lamar Odom’s hands (did Phil ask him to pretend the Ball was cocaine? Is he just so coked out of his mind that’s the reason he is playing this well). I’m sorry Laker fan, I am extremely pissed. Congratulations on another storied playoff performance, ill just tack on another sad playoff performance to the Suns history. My hate for the Lakers will die instantly once this series is over (regardless of who wins) but not my hate for Smush Parker.

I want to clear all anger and frustration out of my head to make two points: A) Kobe playing this way is better than him taking 50 shots a game. He has been amazing and he needs to keep playing this way. B) Raja Bell is a stud and I would say he plays Kobe better than anyone in the league. He at least plays him better than Ruben Patterson.

This really sucks . . .

Monday, April 24, 2006

NBA Playoffs Blog 4/22-4/23

My random thoughts on the first weekend of the NBA playoffs plus my breakdown of the Suns-Lakers game:

Looks like Lebron was ready for the big time

At one point during the Cavs-Wizards game Hubie Brown said Caron Butler was the heart and soul of the Wizards. Hubie doesn’t make mistakes, so this must be true. Poor Gilbert Areans

Miami fans really gotta hope that Dwayne Wade getting injured in the playoffs does not become a trend

The Bulls are living pretty good. They play just like their coach, Scott Skiles, which means they always play you tough. They have a super exciting player in Ben Gordon, a good point guard in Hinirich, Tyson Chandler is finally contributing something to life, and Andres Nocioni plays an ugly game but he always seems to get something done. They have no shot of beating the Heat, but they have the Knicks next two draft picks UNPROTECTED. (insert Isaiah joke here)

Do we really have to play the Pistons-Bucks series? I guess we do but don’t expect me to watch

At one point during the Nets-Pacers game I saw Vince Carter pull up for 35 feet and air a three with plenty to time left on the shot clock. If Vince does not try in the playoffs, is he ever going to try?

Good to see Artest guarantee a championship then his team gets blown out by the Spurs and he gets suspended for game two of the series which virtually ends the 0.00001% chance they had of beating them in the first place. Bad things happen when you guarantee victory, let alone championships (unless your Rasheed Wallace or someone in a position to actually guarantee like Joe Namath) I would like to point out a forearm to Manu got him suspended, so I am glad it happened.

I was seriously shocked to see the Grizz starting ex-Sun Jake Tskalidis at center on Sunday night. Then their whole offense for the first half of the first quarter was him and Eddie Jones which caused me to ask Justin if they were the new Shaq and Kobe to which Justin replied, “They’re the exact same thing.”


Game One was pretty intense, hard fought, and really weird. Kobe tried to be a distributor and missed a lot of shots. Kwame Brown, Smush Parker and Luke Walton played out of their minds and Lamar Odom played really well. The Suns couldn’t get an offensive rebound or make shot during the 2nd and 3rd quarter. Bottom line is the Suns won with a killer three by Nash with 1:07 left. Just another in a long line of big playoff shots for Nash. Tim Thomas played out of his mind and he is playing for a new contract which means you know he is going to go balls to the wall this postseason. After game one the Tim Thomas contract watch is at $5 million (a year). You know Isaiah is watching.

I’ve read some things were the Lakers should be encouraged and whatever. I always say Ill give the opposing team confidence and I’ll take the win (Okay I haven’t always said that, everyone says that). Kobe won’t play as bad again but the Suns are going to play better too, because they did not play their best game. The series will be hard fought but I still think the Suns take it in five. Also it was good to see Smush Parker guarantee victory for the Lakers in the series, which pretty much guarantees the Suns victory in the series. Players like Smush Paker should be guaranteeing anything. Players that suck aren’t aloud to guarantee. After the game one loss Smush said that the Lakers are a better team and expect to beat the Suns. A better team? Where does he get this? The Lakers have lost 4 of 5 to the Suns this year and all 4 games Steve Nash has played in. Maybe Smush is bitter the Suns cut him last year.

While reading the paper today I came across the “At the Game Section” Let me cut and paste it for you: (courtesy of

At the game

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and ex-Suns player Jackson Vroman were sitting in the same vicinity near the baseline.

Police dogs and officers searched the arena's seats Sunday morning.

What a start studded event eh?

Hubie Brown is easily the best color man on the planet. His observations are so good its great to listen to. He never favors one team and he always point stuff out that actually enhances the viewing experience. He is the best and Doug Collins is the 2nd best. The Worst (I only include national guys) probably Reggie Miller or Steve Kerr. I don’t know but while watching the Mavs-Grizz game last night Miller actually said someone “out beat him to the ball.” That’s right, out-beat, a phrase I am probably going to use 1,000 times for the course of the playoffs.

Peace out kids!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Easter NBA Reg Season Recap

Happy Easter everyone! Since the NBA playoffs start in 6 days I decided to give my NBA regular season wrap up blog. I thought about making playoff predictions, but what is the point? There has been about one upset in the NBA playoffs in about 20 years, the Pistons beating the Lakers in 2004. Yeah the Kings are playing well, but does anyone really think they could beat the Spurs? Sure ESPN is hyping up the race for the final playoff spot in the EAST, winner gets to destroyed by maybe the best defensive team in NBA history. The Eastern Conference Playoffs don’t start until the 2nd round when the Heat and Nets play for the right to play the Pistons in the conference finals. Its a lot more interesting in the West, where the 8 seed is a lot better than your normal 8 seed (which has been true for the entire decade in the Western Conference). Yeah the Kings wont win, but I’ll still watch. However the only playoff series in question in the first round are Denver-Clippers and that is pretty much it. I really don’t see the Spurs, Suns, Mavs, Pistons, Heat, Nets or Cavs coming close to losing in the 1st round. Why watch then? Well what the hell else are you gonna do? If everything went like it was planned why would they play? I think I am contradicting the shit out of myself here.

Here are the awards as I see them happening:

MVP: Steve Nash- Why not? I couldn’t decide between him or Lebron so I went with the homer pick. Its not like Nash does not deserve it, watching him play is one of my favorite things to do. A decade from now I will reminisce on these days I wish Nash was still playing. I wouldn’t be upset if Lebron won it, but he will have his chances in the future. Kobe could win it, but lets make Steve Nash back to back MVPs. You know you want to look back on the MVP awards in 10 to 20 years and say, “How the hell did that white, goofy looking six foot guy win back to back MVP awards.” Oh and he does deserve it, maybe more so then he did last year. However you won’t see me writing another Steve Nash is MVP blog, because I could make just a good of a case for Lebron.

Coach of the Year: Avery Johnson- I could say Flip, but I will stick with Avery. The guy has a ridiculous winning % as a head coach (something hovering around .800) He has his team playing better defense and they are tough to beat. They will probably lose in the 2nd round to the Spurs however, but they could win. If Don Nelson was still coaching this team, well the Mavs would have no shot to do anything.

6th man of the year: Jim Jackson- Okay just kidding I just have no idea who deserves this award. Jim Jackson will definitely win 12th man of the year

Most Improved: Boris Diaw- This is easy. I remember hearing in training camp that he was playing some center and I groaned, I actually groaned. Joke was on me, this guy is freaking good. If he does not win this award I will cry, I seriously will. I’m going to stock up on tissue just in case.

My All NBA Team-

F Elton Brand

F Lebron

C Shaq

G Kobe Mamba Bryant

G Steve Nash

6th man: Chauncey

Other random thoughts about this season:

  • My preseason pick of Shawn Marion to win MVP is something I am very proud of. I knew he was not going to win it, but I had a feeling he was going to play like an MVP and he did. Best year of his career. The #2 guy on a really good team, in the past when he has been the #2 guy the Suns were bad.
  • Listening to JT The Brick on Friday night for some reason and he was arguing for Kobe to be MVP. His argument as states: “If you put Nash on the Lakers and he plays alongside Smush Parker and Lamar Odom they are no where near as good, and that is a fact!” Also if you go to Mars kangaroos can fly and cook pancakes. That is a fact! Oh wait that’s an opinion. Let’s get out facts straight JT, just because it’s your opinion doesn’t make it “fact”.
  • About a month ago I fired up NBA live 06 and played a game with the Lakers and decided I was going to take every shot with Kobe. I did and it was the exact same thing as watching a real Lakers game. My point being; the 2005-06 Kobe Bryant stepped right out of a video game, its amazing to watch.
  • If the Hawks would have been smart and drafted Chris Paul they would be in the playoffs. The Joe Johnson-Chris Paul backcourt would be awesome. Instead they pass on their biggest weakness to take another swingman who is light years away from becoming anything. Then they sign JJ who even I, being as oblivious to life as I am, knew couldn’t run the point. That’s how you get stuck with a Tryone Lue running your team. I am counting down the days until David Stern walks up to that podium and announces the Hawks have selected Adam Morrison or Rodney Carney.
  • I was watching the NBA pregame show this Easter Sunday morning and it was nice to see Wilbon in the booth hyping up Suns players. Anyway they asked some question about who has been the biggest surprise and someone (I forget who) said the Lakers. Stating this was Phil’s best coaching job ever (does 72-10 mean anything to this man) and who knows how far the Lakers could go in the playoffs (I know this one, I really do! Lets see, its um, oh wait it’s a 1st round exit! Yes! I knew it!). Later in the segment Scottie Pippen said Ron Artest has been the biggest disappointment this year, that he let his teammates down and has had a bad year. Now I understand he fucked over the Pacers, but he did revive a dead Sacramento team and has them playing super well right now. I think Artest has had a good year.
  • I think I have ripped on Jamal Crawford before, but he is the best player on the Knicks. Whenever the Knicks win its always because he had a good game. Its great to see Starbury saying he is going to “do things his way next year” and doesn’t care what Larry Brown thinks. As for Larry Brown, well his days of building teams up and ditching them when they are good finally came back to bite him in the ass. He found one thing he couldn’t rebuild (not that he rebuilt the Pistons). Secondly, who leaves maybe the best defensive team of all time to go to the worst run franchise in NBA history?
  • Going back to Chris Paul, don’t think you’re off the hook either Utah.
  • I really don’t mean to hate, but is there a less exciting good team then Memphis? If I see a Memphis game I just don’t want to watch.
  • The Clippers have to be ecstatic that they are now the 6th seed and avoid the Mavs/Spurs until the Conference Finals (I’m not saying they will make it that far). The Clippers/Nuggets series is going to be fun to watch, but I expect the Clips to take it. I’m worried about the Suns/Clippers 2nd round matchup due to the fact that Elton Brand will feast on the Suns injury plagued front line and Sam Cassell has some big balls (mental image: Sam Cassell running down the court doing his “big balls” celebration.)

Alright I think that is all I have. Happy Easter and enjoy the NBA playoffs. I think I just might do an NBA playoff blog. Later kids.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Opening Day

Opening Day in baseball is one hell of a day and its one of those days of the year I have no remorse when I skip class. Seeing as the first game of the year was a rain filled Sunday night, I still did not have my baseball fix. One of the great things about Opening Day is free MLB extra innings; I can watch any game I want! Except all the games are on normal TV anyway. So the early part of the day was pretty much me flipping around the different game keeping track of my fantasy team. I’m in an NL only keeper league and I know you don’t care who I have so ill quickly go over the big names: Adruw Jones, Chad Tracy, Jimmy Rollins, Adam Dunn, Chris Carpenter, John Smoltz and Jake Peavy. My team is built on pitching this year, although I made the genius move to draft Armando Bentiz even though my league doesn’t award points for DL stints.

In preparation for the upcoming Diamondbacks game at 1, Justin and I decided to go buy some hotdogs. We went to Smart and Final were they sell 50 premium wieners (no homo) for 6 bucks! That’s a hell of a deal. So we have 50 premium wieners in our hand and we buy a pack of 24 buns. Throw in a 2 liter bottle of grape soda and code red and we are set for opening day. Wait, Justin realizes we need ketchup. So back into the store we go, were a bottle of ketchup is about 3 bucks and a tub of ketchup that contains about 20 times more ketchup is the same price. So we buy the tub, and a tub of mustard and a tub of relish. Lets recap: We have 50 premium wieners, 24 buns, a tub of ketchup, mustard and relish. That’s enough to throw a party, but its just Justin and I. Needless to say we will be living off premium wieners and condiments for the next 3 months.

Then the Diamondbacks game started, ending my supreme happiness about opening day and replacing it with the dark realization that nothing has changed with the Diamondbacks (okay its been one game, that’s an overreaction). Lets check the checklist:

  • Couldn’t hit with runners in scoring position- Check
  • Couldn’t get a key bunt down- Check
  • Baserunning errors- Check
  • Bad managing- Check
  • Bad Bullpen- Check

Despite the lack of offense, Brandon Webb was pitching a hell of a game. 7 innings of 1 run ball in Coors Field counts as a perfect game anywhere else. Before the game, when asked about his pitch count, Bob Melvin said Webb could go as long as he wanted. With Webb cruising through 7 innings right around 100 pitchers most smart, sane managers would let him go the 8th and bring your closer in the 9th. Not Bob Melvin, he brings in 45 year old soft tossing lefthander Terry Mullholand to play the “percentages”. The D-Backs are up 2-1 at this point, but Justin and I had no doubt this lead was going to get blown and of course it did. Which makes me wonder about lefty specialists, they are on teams to get tough lefties out but they are usually the worst pitchers in your bullpen. So you are going to bring in your worst pitcher to face Todd Helton, just because he is left-handed. Its just like seven footers in basketball, if you are left handed you will last in the league forever and its just stupid.

So anyway the game goes into extra innings and the D-Backs blow about 1,000 chances to get the go ahead run, which included Tony Clark just missing a 3 run homer. It’s only been one at bat, but Clark seems to have picked up right were he left off. There is no one id rather have hitting in a clutch situation them him. He is probably better served starting, considering he had a ridiculous slugging percentage last year, but he is a huge asset off the bench late in the game and you have to get Conor Jackson his playtime. Conor Jackson already looks like a more professional hitter than any of the veterans in the D-Backs lineup. He doesn’t swing at anything in the strike zone, its crazy.
So anyway the bottom of the 11th rolls around and the D-Backs make two errors and the Rockies win. Later Diamondbacks apologize for having to wrap the game in newspaper, citing they didnt have time to get some nice wrapping paper and a bow.

Well that was opening day, even though this blog came a few days later. Here is looking forward to a great season . . . .

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I’m still alive, which is good for you all. I had a 25 page research paper to write this week and it took every ounce of energy I had. I must have taken me about an hour to write a page, so I probably spent about a good day’s worth of time on the paper (okay I might be exaggerating. Check that I am exaggerating.). I think I have carpal-tunnel syndrome. Anyway I finished so now I have time to do my baseball preview, which really is just random thoughts and me breaking down the Diamondbacks upcoming season.

This spring has signaled an end of an era for the Diamondbacks. They have traded, cut and demoted the trio of Alex Cintron, Luis Terrero and Scotty Hairston. Why am I sad? Because they were good? No that’s not the reason, when they all got regular playing time together the team lost 111 games. They weren’t good but they were damn funny, and while we are in the current limbo zone of Dbacks baseball, they have kept things interesting. Let me give you the career highlights of these gentlemen:

Alex Cintron:

  • Committed huge base running error in game 2 of the 2002 NLDS vs the Cardinals that pretty much cost the Dbacks that series.
  • Once committed two straight errors in a row on balls hit to the exact same spot on the infield. Made enough boneheaded defensive plays to almost kill Thom Brennaman during the 2004 season.
  • At one point during the 2005 season Shawn Green had an 11 pitch at bat in which he drew a walk. Cintron came up after him to which Thom B stated, “This will not be an eleven pitch at bat.” Cintron proceeds to record an out after two pitches.
  • Came out of nowhere to become an offensive force at the SS position when the D-Backs had no offense in 2003. Hit .317 and almost led the Dbacks back into the playoffs. Will now classify that year as a fluke.
  • Just a goofy dude, who never took to many pitches and who’s head was not always in the game. I’m about 1000% sure he will make an awesome play in the postseason during the White Sox drive to another World Series.

Luis Terrero

  • Touted for years as the D-Backs best prospect, a player with 5 tool potential. While he was the dbacks best prospect, it was basically because their farm system was so horrible.
  • Once hit a homerun in a minor league game, rounded the bases then kissed home plate and was suspended by the Dbacks. In his first game back from suspension he got ejected.
  • Was called up in 2004 and brought horrendous defense, inconsistent hitting and overall awesomely bad play to the dbacks. Had a strong arm but often thought he was to good to throw to the cut off man, this led to hilarious results.
  • Was basically hitting in the middle of the order on that horrible Dbacks team.
  • In 2005 hit a bloop single and tried to stretch it into a double for some reason, wounded up making it after the outfielder made a bad throw. When he got up from his slide his entire jersey was unbuttoned and Thom B was super pumped. (My personal favorite Terrero moment.)

Scott Hairston

  • Hands down the most entertaining baseball player of my lifetime. Was billed as the next Jeff Kent, by his brother Jerry Hairston Jr.
  • Spent all day in the weight room, which made Thom B comment on how strong he was every time he had an extra base hit.
  • Due to his “strength” this led to countless push up jokes between J to the Ustin and I over the past two years.
  • Dbacks hit him lead off for most of the 2004 season. Even though he stated in the newspaper that he didn’t “believe in taking pitches.”
  • Was moved to the OF because he might have been the worst defensive second basemen this side of Alfonso Soriano.

Sadly the Dbacks accumulation of actual good stud prospects caused the Diamondbacks to get rid of all three. Although Hairston is still in the organization, there is no way he ever gets to the big leagues again. Honestly though the Diamondbacks have a shitload of great hitting prospects coming there way in the next few years and the money to spend on free agent pitchers this offseason. The future looks pretty darn good. But we need to talk about the present. So here is my Diamondbacks preview (for the players that matter):

1B Conor Jackson

Best Case Scenario: Hits .330-25-100, draws over 100 walks and Billy Beane calls the Dbacks about him so much that Josh Byrnes changes his phone number.

What will happen: Will hit about .275 with a good OBP because he has a great eye for a young hitter. Will probably drive in about 50-60 and hit about 10-15 homers while platooning with Tony Clark.

1B Tony Clark

BCS: Repeats last year’s numbers, remains the same force off the bench and in late inning games that he was last year. Continues to get clutch hits. Basically the year he had last year was the BCS for 2005 and would be the BCS for 2006.

What will happen: Will fall back to earth, but just a little. Will continue to get clutch hits and produce in his starts. I say somewhere along the lines of .290-25-70.

2B Orlando Hudson

BCS: Wins Gold Glove while becoming a more consistent hitter. Stays in the number two hole all year and maybe steals a few more bases.

What will happen: Will most likely win a gold glove, I could see him struggling at the plate. I say .265 with 11 homers.

SS Craig Counsel

BCS: Steals 30 bases while hitting over .300 while playing solid defense while continuing to get on base and be a disruptive lead off hitter.

What will happen: His age will catch up to him some more, but he will still have a decent year. Will be a defensive asset.

3B Chad Tracy

BCS: Wins batting title while hitting 30 homers and drastically improving his 3B defense.

What will happen: Will hit .300 again with about 25 homers, will be the dbacks most feared hitter and will improve his defense at 3B. Could be the Dbacks lone All-Star.

LF Luis Gonzalez

BCS: Is fully healthy, so he hits over .300 with 30 homers and looks like the Gonzo of old (the 1999-2003 gonzo minus his 57 homer year) if he can do that the Dbacks lineup gets pretty darn good.

What will happen: Numbers will reflect last year, about .270-25-70.

RF Shawn Green

BCS: Returns to his mid 2000 form at Chase Field and crushes the ball and ups his RBI total to over 100 while playing above average RF defense and maybe stealing a few bags?

What will happen: Will get off to a slow start, and the public will clamor for Carlos Queintin to take over in RF. Will get hot for a few months to make his overall season look better than it was.

CF Eric Byrnes

BCS: Returns to 2004 from were he hit leadoff for the As and hit 20 homers while going all out on defense and becomes an overall disruptive force.

What will happen: I don’t know what Eric Byrnes will show up, the one of 04 or the one of last year who hit below .200. What I do know is that he will go balls to the wall every night and wont stay quiet if the dbacks start half assing it and not play with emotion.

OF Jeff Davanon

BCS: gets cut and the dbacks resign Terrero.

What will happen: Will hit about .230 and I wont like him.

C Johnny Estrada

BCS: Returns to 2004 form where he hit over .300 and drove in 71 runs.

What will happen: Will rebound from his Erstad induced mental block last year to be a better hitter than Chris Snyder. That’s not saying much, I think I can hit better than him.

SP Brandon Webb

BCS: The sinker is on all year, and Counsell and Hudson are there to turn countless double plays. His ERA is sub 3 and he wins 17-20 games.

What will happen: His sinker will be solid as will the infield defense. Wins 15 games with an ERA in the low 3s.

SP El Duque

BCS: Pitches every game thinking it’s a playoff game.

What will happen: Will pitch okay at times and get traded by July 31 to a team that can use his Robert Horry like playoff abilities.

SP Miguel Batista

BCS: Continues to play like the Miguel Batista we know and love while staying healthy. Wins 12-15 games with a mid 3 era.

What will happen: Will probably spend time in the bullpen at some point. My guess is he ends up with about 8 wins and a few saves with a 4 era.

SP Russ Ortiz

BCS: Gets traded to Petco Park where its hard to tee off on his pitching. Or gets reunited with his former Braves pitching coach in Baltimore.

What will happen: His stuff will suffer at the Chase, will go about 7-12 with a 5 era.

SP Claudio Vargas.

BCS: Continues to be the diamond in the rough he was last year, but gets run support this year. Wins about 16 games with a mid 3 era.

What will happen: At some point in the year will accidentally touch Miguel Batista and since they have the same DNA the universe will die. If for some odd reason everyone survives, he will win 10 games with a 4.25 era.

CL Jose Valverde

BCS: Becomes a dominate closer with a lot of “machismo” (Thom B Quote). Strikes out a ton, era is in low 2s and saves 40 games.

What will happen: Will have good points and bads, but overall he will be solid and save 30 games.

RP Casey Daigle

BCS: He makes the team somehow

What will happen if he makes the team: I will make countless Jenny Finch jokes and his era will be infinite.

There you have it, I will bring you my random thoughts on the Diamondbacks all year.