Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Format Change

This is an exciting time for double the blog, we (and by we I mean I) are undergoing a format change! I have started a sports blog with some good friends of mine that is going to be awesome! Check it out at http://tecmo-blog.blogspot.com or just click the link to the right side. Anyway with most of my sports writing being contributed to that blog, I am changing the format of this one. I will rarely post about sports, instead I will focus more on my exciting life, movies, TV and other things of entertainment value. So thank you loyal readers, I encourage you to regularly check out this blog as well as the new, exciting Tecmo Blog!

Saturday, July 22, 2006


118! The hottest day in a decade! You Midwesterners bitch all you want about your humidity, try dealing with 118! The Devil did go down to Georgia, but maybe he made a pit stop in Phoenix. You want to know how insanely hot this day was? It was too hot for the pool! The POOL! I went to the pool and if I wasn’t in the water I was seriously frying. While laying out and reading by the pool fried Aaron was nearly served up. I lasted about 25 minutes before heading back into the apartment and drinking an amount of water equivalent to the Gulf of Mexico.
118! It was so hot I remember thinking, let me remind you I have lived in Arizona all my life and the heat doesn’t really bother me anymore, that it was disgustingly hot. It was the hottest I could ever remember feeling. What the hell was I doing outside? 118! I must say, I love it! Bring it on! I say 130, maybe even 140. Who cares it’s all the same. I love summer!
So I am totally rambling, but I also needed to save face. I have not posted in a long time. This is due to the possibility of me and a few friends of mine starting a sports blog so I was holding off on posting. If this happens, and I will keep you posted, not only will that be the greatest blog on the internet but I will also change the format of this blog. But more details on that at a later date.
I have more to talk about, the D-Backs are hot, and the Contender is back. Plus my birthday was last week. Its an exciting time however my blog is in limbo. Give me a week and it will either be back in full force or with a format change but still better than ever. Sorry for the filler post, not that anyone who reads really cares.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Worst Movie of All Time

There have been many bad movies made over the course of our lifetime and picking the worst one of them all is pretty impossible. However, I think I can safely say I found it. After flipping around channels on HBO the other day I somehow settled on Batman and Robin, only because I had to see if it was as bad as I remembered when I saw it in the theaters back before my days in high school.
Let me give some Batman background first, by the time this movie came out Joel Schumacher was directing it he had been given the reigns of the franchise from Tim Burton. He did Batman Forever, which was not that bad, but a far cry from the first two Batmen. Secondly at this point in time the Batman movies were the thing to do, the franchise could pretty much get any actor they wanted because the film was guaranteed a huge payday. The studio spent an incredible amount of money on this movie and had at the time what they considered to be an all star cast, George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Uma Thurman, Chris O’Donnell and Alicia Silverstone.
Now there are usually types of bad movies. There are movies that are comically bad, movies that are boring (but maybe well done) and movies that just reek. Then there was Batman and Robin. This movie got a 13% on Rottentomatoes.com fresh meter, with only six good reviews. The titles of these “good reviews” are along the lines of “No one liked this but I did,” and “Uma Thurman was good”. Let me describe the first scene, we see Batman and Robin putting on their suits and we are treated to close-ups of their asses and nipple regions (suits complete with nipples) you know right then that the movie is going to be awful. I watched the first five minutes and cringed, I turned it on about an hour later watched for five minutes and cringed. I don’t ever recall a movie that made you cringe the whole time, the movie makes the viewer feel bad about life in general. I seriously felt ill sitting there watching it, I felt ashamed for some reason. The movie is so corny. Everyone one of Arnold’s lines (he plays Mr. Freeze) is along the lines of “that’s cold”, “chill out”, “revenge is a dish best served cold”, “talk about a cold shoulder.”
I’ve also never witness a movie where EVERY actor/actress mailed their performance in. No one even tried to put any effort into the movie, its actually pretty sad. You want further proof that this movie was horrible? Look what it did to the careers of the people involved in it.
The movie was released in 1997
Arnold- Did two so-so movies in 5 years after doing 8 the previous 5 years.
Chris O’Donnell- Remember Vertical Limit? That was in 2000 and it was also the last time anyone heard from him.
Alicia Silverstone- This movie ended her career, literally.
Joel Schumacher- Phone Booth, that’s the only movie I’ve ever heard of that he has directed since.

Only George Clooney and Uma Thurman escaped somewhat unscarred. At the time these people were big names in Hollywood, their careers had a collective atom bomb dropped on them. It also managed to kill an extremely popular franchise for 8 years until Batman Begins washed the bad taste out of our mouths. Has any movie ever been this bad? Has any movie ever ended so many careers? Has any movie ever made you feel physically ill after it? I give you Batman and Robin, the worst movie of all time.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I return! With a movie review and other random thoughts

I’ve got a three part blog today, so no screwing around and wasting time. I gotta get to the goods-

It was sad to read in the paper that Tim Thomas was leaving, although it was not surprising. The Clippers offered him 12 million more than the Suns, and no matter how much you talk about staying with a team for a chance to win a championship you take 12 million more, especially when it is a team that also has a chance to win. It makes the Suns look bad for selling their draft picks with the excuse that they were going to resign Tim Thomas (actually they never made that excuse, they just said there was no one else they wanted so they traded their picks for money). However early on I was about 100% sure the Suns wouldn’t resign him, mainly because all his touches were going to go to Amare. As the playoffs went on I started to think he would resign, then I was totally sure of it when the season was over. So I sort of expected all along that he would leave, but it was pretty crushing to hear. However I don’t think it makes the Clippers that much better since they lost Rad Man. Thomas has been known as a contract player (his two best years came in contract years) and I could very easily see him not doing much in the Clippers system. But is he revitalized? Lets put it this way, getting normal Tim Thomas to replace Rad Man is a downgrade, but if they get 2006 playoffs Tim Thomas then it is an upgrade.

Rad Man goes to the Lakers, I gotta say I like the move for the Lakers. A frontcourt at times of Rad Man and Odom can give opponents multiple looks and could be a match up nightmare. Peja going to the Hornets is another good move, the Hornets need a 2 or a 3 who could score and that is Peja. Just don’t count on him in the playoffs, but at least he will get you there. The Paces got totally screwed though, they get nothing for Ron Artest. Finally probably the biggest move of the off-season is Ben Wallace to Chicago. Gotta love it for the Bulls, they will have some serious inside defense with Wallace, good shot blocking with Wallace, Chandler and Thomas and they have an overall good core (they also get the Knicks pick next year, Bulls looks solid).

How about that NBA draft? I passed up to lower level tickets to see King Felix pitch in order to stay home and see what the suns did, which was nothing at all. That was a mega blunder by myself. Still it had to be somewhat worth it, I got to see live the greatest draft pick of all time (the Knicks taking Relando Balkman). Words cant describe how pumped I am to see an Isiaih Thomas coached Knicks team.

Quick take on the Diamondbacks, it looks like they are finally turning it around with a sweep of a pretty solid A’s team. Now they start a big series with the Dodgers. It’s a new month so lets hope for a better record.

Alright the main event of this entry is going to be my review of the Summer’s biggest blockbuster Superman Returns-

I held high, high expectations for this movie. I’m talking Batman Begins/Spider-Man expectations. They were not met, but it was unfair for me to think a movie could be as good as those too. Overall it’s a good movie, but I have seen better. The best word to describe it is: Random. The casting was great, the plot was horrible and random. The movie pretty much goes as follows: Superman returns from a five year absence (he was traveling the universe looking for Krypton) he comes back to a world that welcomes him back with open arms, except for Lois (who now has a fiancĂ© and a son). Superman’s arch enemy, Lex Luthor (played brilliantly by Kevin Spacey) find Superman’s fortress of solitude and steals five crystals from it that, when combined with water, will grow a Kyrptonian like land mass that will destroy everything it its way. His plan is to grow a ton of this land, enough so that it takes out all the major land masses of the world so he can control all the land. A few issues with this, first he has the same exact plan almost in Superman I (he wants to blow up coast of California to make all the cheap inland land he bought up ocean front property. That was a much more realistic plot). But the Kyrptonian land that grows is all crazy rock and crystals, with no life on it and there are always storm clouds above it. So who would want to live there? Also, if he kills billions of people who will be his customers? Plot holes people, plus the plot is really stupid. The movie is two and a half hours long and at the end you feel like nothing was really accomplished. However most of my review sounds negative, its still fun to see on the big screen. The casting is great; Routh (Iowa baby) plays a very good Superman/Clark Kent (think Christopher Reeves clone), Bosworth is solid (and hot) and the movie doesn’t lag. For all this I’m going to give it 3 out of 5 stars which is a good review, I just expected better. Its safe to say my expectations were unfair.

Well kids that is all I have for today, check back in later.