Sunday, November 05, 2006

It Must Be Said

I feel the very need to communicate a few random thoughts from my weekend so here we go. First off I had an interesting Saturday; actually it might be seen as the exact opposite of interesting but that is for you to decide. I am sure everyone is really happy that election season is almost over because I am so incredibly sick of political ads. Gag me, seriously. Some of them are just stupid, like John Kyl’s attack ads on Jim Pederson stating he denied filing for bankruptcy five times even though he did actually file for good old chapter eleven a few years back. Look I have no idea if that actually happened or not, but lets assume it did. Who cares! I am supposed to not vote for a guy who filed for bankruptcy and is trying to cover it up, hey I would do the same thing right? Alright that probably did not make much sense but you get my drift. There is so much random smut thrown around this time of year I do not think anyone really knows what is true. So you know what I would like to see? I completely crazy political ad. Maybe Harry Mitchell can come up with an ad that goes something like this:
“Hi, I’m Harry Mitchell and I approve this ad because JD Hayworth sucks dick. Seriously, I have proof. He sucks dick and takes it in the ass. You don’t want a dick sucker as a congressman.”

This would be somewhat amusing wouldn’t it? JD Hayworth could counter with an attack ad about how Harry Mitchell kills newborn babies and bathes in their blood. We are all unsure what’s true anymore anyways, so let’s make some crazy shit up! There is going to come a point someday where politics is going to merge with wrestling and when this happens it will be the greatest day in history. I can picture it now; let me give you an example. I went to a democratic rally on ASU’s campus on Thursday to see former president Bill Clinton speak and support the democratic candidates. When politics and wrestling combine here is what would happen: Clinton would stroll up to a podium, say hello and then rip off his suit to reveal underneath a shirt supporting republic senate candidate John Kyl. The crowd would gasp and the announcer for the rally, because there would have to be one, would shout in fake horror: “Oh my God! Oh my God! Clinton just turned to the Republican side! I have never, EVER seen something so HORRIBLE!” This is the world I dream about kids, hopefully someday it happens.

Finally I want to wrap it up with a few non political thoughts. I was in the SRC today (ASU’s gym for you non-believers) and I saw a blind man with a Seeing Eye kid. No I did not type that wrong, I was not trying to type Seeing Eye dog. The blind man had a child on a leash (one of those harness things ya know) and the kid was guiding him around. You don’t see that to often. And finally, I was in Target today when I saw something very awesome. Right next to the Oreos was a box of cookies tilted “Newman-Os.” They were Oreo knockoffs, organically made with like low fat, no cholesterol and I am sure no taste. The best part was on the front of the bag, under the Newman-Os sign and picture of two old people titled “Ma and Pa Newman” were the words “Paul Newman donates millions of dollars to charity”. That is all it said, so basically someone made Diet-Oreos with a box hyping up Paul Newman’s philanthropist tic skills. What world we live in.