Sunday, December 17, 2006

One Awesome Weekend

I have the rare distinction of being both a college graduate and a college student. I for one love it. Quick side note on my life, I graduated college on Saturday, but I am going back to pursue a second bachelor’s degree and get teacher certification so basically I will be attending ASU for another two and a half years. This is awesome for two reasons:

a) I get to live the college dream for another few years

b) When I do graduate I get to become a social studies teacher, someone is going to pay me to work 180 days out of the year, talk about history, geography and stuff and regulate kids (and hopefully make a difference in their life!). I could not be more pumped up.

Okay enough with my future; I am here to communicate with you what has been one of the most intense weekends of my life. Well a lot of my “crew” was graduating this weekend so it was intense. Lots of alcohol, I mean a lot. On Thursday night it was the Ed’s graduation dinner. It was pretty formal, a lot of family and friends. All I know is I got to go up and tell a story about the Large (not the one I actually wanted to tell because in that story he is drunk and I don’t know if family would have appreciated that story) and eat free food. Then Mr. Hermes (his dad) decided to buy Bjorn, Praj, Mondo, Justin and I beer all night long. The dinner was in a hotel so he bought us about four rounds of Bud Lights then we proceeded to Tilt a Kilt (a bar) where he gave us a hundred dollar bill and told us to buy more beer. So basically he is True American Hero and will forever be awesome in our eyes. I must recommend Blue Moon with an orange slice, quite possibly the greatest beer ever brewed. For some odd reason the Tilt a Kilt closed at like 12:15, their loss I guess.

Friday night was even more intense. My office had a Christmas party at this bar in Scottsdale, there was an open bar. So all their crazy $10 dollar mixed drinks were free! I started off with a Mai Tai but decided that, since I had to graduate tomorrow, to switch to beer because mixed drinks would get me really hung over. The party started at 8; by 1130 I had my share of beers and mixed drinks and was ready to meet up with the crew down at Mill Avenue. My boss kindly paid for my cab ride and down to mill I went to meet up with an all star crew (Colorado Justin, Justin, Baker, Bjorn, Easy E, Josh, Laura, Mondo, Ed and his sister and cousins.) The night ended with random dancing at the Tavern and a lot of alcoholic intake by me. I had to turn in at 3am due to my graduation ceremonies the next day.

So by Saturday night I was done, but we were having a graduation/birthday party for Scottie that involved a lot of drinking. I tried my best but after three beers I just could not take the drinking anymore, call me weak but three consecutive nights of drinking took their toll on me. I have a party to go to tonight that I am going to have to skip; I can’t stomach any more liquor.

So that was one crazy graduation weekend, I had a lot of fun, hung out with old friends, drank a lot more then I never normally do, all while having the dual distinction of being a college graduate and continuing student. So what does the future have in store for me? Well next semester is all about dominating my studies while living the college dream. I hope to keep you all updated. Aaron OUT!