Sunday, April 27, 2008

Top 10 Lupe Fiasco Songs

After seeing Lupe Fiasco in concert on Thursday in the worst city in the Union, Tucson, I decided it was time to break down the top ten Lupe Fiasco songs. This shouldn't be too hard, because he is relatively new on the scene (he has only dropped two albums). Before I continue, I want to say that anyone going to see the Kanye West Glow in the Dark Tour concert series is in for a treat, it is quite the show.

Here are the top ten, with links to you tube videos of the song so you can listen to it if your heart so desires.

10. Outty 5000- Tough to pass on great songs like "The Instrumental" and "Go Go Gadget Flow", but I choose Outty 5000 because one great lyric "his flow's like the klu klux meets the panthers" and references to Seinfeld."
9. Hello, Goodbye (Uncool)- I'm a sucker for great lyrics so this song makes the list just for: "he just sits and waits for them to kick in the door, he once was a hero they don't love him no more."
8. I Gotcha- Very upbeat and catchy
7. Dumb it Down- You have to love the message in this song: Black people telling Lupe to dumb down his lyrics because they are too "smart" and going over black people's heads. White people telling Lupe to dumb down his lyrics because they are too "smart" and educating black people.
6. The Coolest- Makes the list because of one awesome lyric, "come, these are the tales of The Cool, guaranteed to go and make you fail from your school".
5. Little Weapon- Great beat, awesome verse about video game violence, and Lupe rapping from the prospective of a young terrorist.
4. Kick, Push- Perhaps his most famous song, it chronicles a young kid who grows up skate boarding. The song is wonderfully upbeat and fun to listen to. On the same album is another song, Kick, Push II. It follows the same kid, who is now older and his life hasn't turned out so great. It's as heartbreaking as the first song is upbeat.
3. Gold Watch- Unique beat, awesome lyrics and even a bit about Street Fighter II, what's not to like?
2. Hip Hop Saved My Life- I love this song because it tells a story that is quite easy to follow. It's about a kid and his quest to become a great rapper and make life better for his family.
1. The Cool- The song is off his first album, Food & Liquor, but it is also the name of his second album. Unlike any song I've ever heard, it follows the story of a man who rises from the dead, goes back to his old neighborhood and gets killed by the same people who killed him in the first place.

Ahh, such good stuff.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Random Thoughts

An update on my life: For those who don't care (remember I basically write this blog so I can go back and read it)

About a month ago at my job, they asked me what they wanted my job title to be. I basically edit websites and blogs while managing content writers so I told them I wanted to be called the Editor in Chief. So guess what? I am now the Editor in Chief of my company! How cool is this going to look on a resume? People will think I am much more important than I actually am! This is just my first step to becoming a famous Editor in Chief like you always see in the comic books.

After getting into a conversation about the Teapot Dome Scandal before the start of the Super Bowl in February, (that conversation got me called gay because I guess you can't have a historical conversation twenty minutes before the Super Bowl starts) I decided to read an excellent book on the matter, The Teapot Dome Scandal: How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried to Steal the Country by Laton McCartney. The book is an interesting read on one of the biggest political scandals of all time, and it is relevant to today's White House since they are often accused of being in the oil companies pockets. After reading the book I am certain Dick Cheney was related to Albert Fall.

Continuing on the political talk, you should do yourself a favor and check out my good friend Ed Hermes' website. He is running for County Supervisor and it would be pretty awesome if he won, and it could be the start of quite the political career. Also, a vote for him would be a vote for me since I am helping him run his website (although I have yet to start as of the date of the post, so as of 4/21/08 this is not the finished copy of the website). If he wins, think how that could help my resume! I am all about the resume in this post aren't I?

Finally I spent $20 bucks on a pair of bongos. Why, you may ask? Well, I had the money and bongos are awesome. I will make myself as good as this man:

Or not, but hey bongos are still fun. Plus, how many people do you know that play the bongos? Makes for a good conversation piece. Just remember, I never said I played the bongos well.

Well that's all I have for you loyal readers today. I should do this more often, it's quite fun.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall review

In the interest of full disclosure, I am quite the Judd Apatow fan boy. The 40 Year Old Virgin remains one of my favorite movies of all times. I rather enjoyed his big Summer last year when he released Knocked Up and Superbad. I enjoy his style of comedy and the actors he always employs. That being said, this movie is worth checking out.

This movie lacks something that Knocked Up and Superbad, vulgarity. This is a good thing, because it makes the movie a lot more charming. Vulgar movies are funny, but sometimes the pursuit of this brand of humor can sacrifice the charm of the movie. This movie stars Jason Segel (Marshall from How I Met Your Mother fame) as a composer who just broke up with his girlfriend Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). He decides to vacation to Hawaii and ends up at the same resort she is staying at, with her boyfriend, crazy English pop star Aldous Snow (played brilliantly by Russell Brand). Siegel tries his best to get over Marshall with the help of hotel worker Rachel Jackson (Mila Kunis of That 70s Show fame).

The entire time the movie is set in Hawaii is great fun. We feel with the Segel as he struggles through his breakup. We get to meet an incredibly great cast of characters. We have some heavy hitters here: Jonah Hill (Superbad), Bill Hader (SNL), Paul Rudd (Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin) and Jack McBrayer (30 Rock). These characters are always funny when they are on screen and never try and do too much. There is even a secondary list of supporting characters who are hilarious in their own right. There seems to be enough comedic material at this resort that they could possibly sustain a sequel based on these characters alone.

This movie, however, belongs to three people: Segel, Kunis and Brand. Segel is the star and keeps the whole movie together, and he also happens to be a very likable guy. Kunis must have had her hotness hidden in That 70s Show because she was smoking hot in this movie. Devoid of playing a purposely annoying character (Jackie), she is actually quite likable as well. Brand does his best to steal the show with his portraying the free spirited Aldous Snow. I don't think a single one of his jokes went un-laughed at.

I really do recommend this movie, it is such fun! Oh, if you like Billy Baldwin and love making fun of David Caruso in CSI: Miami, you will love the opening scenes. If you don't like seeing another man's junk, then you won't like the opening scenes.

Grade: A

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Ten Things I Learned in Vegas

So I went to Vegas two weeks ago, don't ask me why I took so long to post this:

10. Vegas isn't Cheap- Okay, I know this is obvious but Vegas is sneaky expensive. To a novice Vegas visitor you have some common misconceptions: Buffets are cheap and you can get free drinks while gambling. Well the buffets aren't cheap, they can be quite expensive. Although you do get free drinks, its not like you can drink for free all night without losing a ton of money gambling (unless you get on an insane hot streak).
9. Penny slots are for old people- It just doesn't feel right sitting in between two 70 year old chain smokers on a Saturday night playing penny slots.
8. The architecture is breathtaking- See Caesar's Palace, Excalibur, New York, New York etc in all their glory and try not to be amazed.
7. Don't leave your hotel door open- It could lead to rent a cop's threatening to kick you out of your room, while your drunk friend devises a fool proof plan to escape any charges, that just happens to involve homosexuality. (For the record, I had nothing to do with this)
6. Sports books are Heaven- Tons of TVs, playing any sporting event you could possibly want.
5. One can take liquor anywhere- Buy a six pack of Miller Light and carry it throughout the city, no one will stop you! Did you just buy a drink at the bar and your friends are leaving? Don't chug it, take it with you!
4. No Cover- Ask around enough and you will never have to pay a cover in Vegas. Someone always has free passes somewhere and will be willing to give them to you.
3. Some taxis only go to strip clubs- So you've been drinking, its about 3am and you stop a cab, only to have the driver say he will only drive to a strip club. That can only lead to bad (or great!) things.
2. Hookers cost $35- And they are hot! According to those little cards that people hand out every, freaking block!
1. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas- But you already knew that didn't you?