Sunday, April 20, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall review

In the interest of full disclosure, I am quite the Judd Apatow fan boy. The 40 Year Old Virgin remains one of my favorite movies of all times. I rather enjoyed his big Summer last year when he released Knocked Up and Superbad. I enjoy his style of comedy and the actors he always employs. That being said, this movie is worth checking out.

This movie lacks something that Knocked Up and Superbad, vulgarity. This is a good thing, because it makes the movie a lot more charming. Vulgar movies are funny, but sometimes the pursuit of this brand of humor can sacrifice the charm of the movie. This movie stars Jason Segel (Marshall from How I Met Your Mother fame) as a composer who just broke up with his girlfriend Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). He decides to vacation to Hawaii and ends up at the same resort she is staying at, with her boyfriend, crazy English pop star Aldous Snow (played brilliantly by Russell Brand). Siegel tries his best to get over Marshall with the help of hotel worker Rachel Jackson (Mila Kunis of That 70s Show fame).

The entire time the movie is set in Hawaii is great fun. We feel with the Segel as he struggles through his breakup. We get to meet an incredibly great cast of characters. We have some heavy hitters here: Jonah Hill (Superbad), Bill Hader (SNL), Paul Rudd (Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin) and Jack McBrayer (30 Rock). These characters are always funny when they are on screen and never try and do too much. There is even a secondary list of supporting characters who are hilarious in their own right. There seems to be enough comedic material at this resort that they could possibly sustain a sequel based on these characters alone.

This movie, however, belongs to three people: Segel, Kunis and Brand. Segel is the star and keeps the whole movie together, and he also happens to be a very likable guy. Kunis must have had her hotness hidden in That 70s Show because she was smoking hot in this movie. Devoid of playing a purposely annoying character (Jackie), she is actually quite likable as well. Brand does his best to steal the show with his portraying the free spirited Aldous Snow. I don't think a single one of his jokes went un-laughed at.

I really do recommend this movie, it is such fun! Oh, if you like Billy Baldwin and love making fun of David Caruso in CSI: Miami, you will love the opening scenes. If you don't like seeing another man's junk, then you won't like the opening scenes.

Grade: A