Monday, April 21, 2008

Random Thoughts

An update on my life: For those who don't care (remember I basically write this blog so I can go back and read it)

About a month ago at my job, they asked me what they wanted my job title to be. I basically edit websites and blogs while managing content writers so I told them I wanted to be called the Editor in Chief. So guess what? I am now the Editor in Chief of my company! How cool is this going to look on a resume? People will think I am much more important than I actually am! This is just my first step to becoming a famous Editor in Chief like you always see in the comic books.

After getting into a conversation about the Teapot Dome Scandal before the start of the Super Bowl in February, (that conversation got me called gay because I guess you can't have a historical conversation twenty minutes before the Super Bowl starts) I decided to read an excellent book on the matter, The Teapot Dome Scandal: How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried to Steal the Country by Laton McCartney. The book is an interesting read on one of the biggest political scandals of all time, and it is relevant to today's White House since they are often accused of being in the oil companies pockets. After reading the book I am certain Dick Cheney was related to Albert Fall.

Continuing on the political talk, you should do yourself a favor and check out my good friend Ed Hermes' website. He is running for County Supervisor and it would be pretty awesome if he won, and it could be the start of quite the political career. Also, a vote for him would be a vote for me since I am helping him run his website (although I have yet to start as of the date of the post, so as of 4/21/08 this is not the finished copy of the website). If he wins, think how that could help my resume! I am all about the resume in this post aren't I?

Finally I spent $20 bucks on a pair of bongos. Why, you may ask? Well, I had the money and bongos are awesome. I will make myself as good as this man:

Or not, but hey bongos are still fun. Plus, how many people do you know that play the bongos? Makes for a good conversation piece. Just remember, I never said I played the bongos well.

Well that's all I have for you loyal readers today. I should do this more often, it's quite fun.