Wednesday, August 06, 2008

More Fun

I write to you today not as a blogger, but as a concerned citizen.

Just kidding, I write to you as a blogger.

Okay, now that we got that totally random intro out of the way, I just wanted to say hi. My blog seems to have become two things: stories about my life and movie reviews. What fun right? Well today I bring you another story about my life.

First off, and I neglected to mention this in my review of The Dark Knight, on my way back from the movie that night I got pulled over by a cop. I made an illegal turn on red, but apparently my license had been suspended for over a year (because of a prior ticket). I, of course, had no knowledge of this. This was just another case of the always helpful DMV, who literally couldn't have cared less when I called them. I'm serious, I have never seen a person care less about anything in the world than the DMV woman I talked to on the phone that day. I could have told her people were dying in Darfur and she would have said, "the DMV has no record of that". Anyway, I ended up having to go to criminal court, but I got all my charges dismissed. Since I was in criminal court, by extension, I basically think I know what it is like to do hard time. I now feel I have the right to say things like: Out on bail, fresh outta jail, California dreamin'. Which, if you Google, the first hit you get is a myspace profile of the same name of a kid in Iowa. This kid must be the most gangsta kid in Iowa. I love it!

In all seriousness I'm glad I got the charged dismissed. Even though I was under no threat of jail time, it would have been cool to go to jail so I could rap from a prison phone a la Big Hoss. Wow, enough 90s rap reference for one night, okay?

This past weekend was one of the better weekends I ever had, but it was a bit sad as well. It was my good friend Pro's going away weekend, he is moving to Cinncinnati to go to medical school and take over the world one day. On Friday night I had the pleasure of going to his goodbye party, which featured a keg of PBR. Note to any readers: If you are going to throw a party, do not get a keg of PBR. I toughed out the terrible beer but the keg was tapped around midnight so I decided to walk home (I did not live that far away). As I was walking down the street I hear "A-Zone don't go! A-Zone don't go!" (I don't think I ever explained the origins of my A-Zone nickname on this blog, but now is not the time). I turn around and who do I see, Large, Bjorn and J2 with 40s of Mickey's in hand. They had left the party an hour earlier, but not only had they rallied, they brought booze when the keg was tapped! So I went back to the party with my friends and much better booze. This might go down as the single greatest turnaround in party history.

On Saturday night some of us went to Mill for part II of Pro's going away party. We hit Mill Cue club for their ridiculously cheap long island ice teas (They range from $3-4.50, and they are twice the size and half the price compared to most places). I got to talking to this girl, now let me preface this story by saying I like to joke about hard drugs a lot. Don't ask me why, but I find it hilarious to say "where is the E?" as a joke. The only problem is half the time I think people don't realize I am joking and just think I am a drug addict. So I am talking to her, and for some reason we are talking about drugs and I say "I need to buy a glass table to do lines of coke off." Funny right? Well her response is something like "oh yeah I have one of those that I do lines of coke off", but she happens to be DEAD serious. So that was awkward, but makes for quite the story.

On Sunday night Pro had people over at my house (yes I wrote that right, I didn't have any say in the matter). That was a good night except I was tired out by then and had to work on Monday morning. Basically Pro's going away weekend was a trilogy, kind of like the Star Wars trilogy. The fist one was unique, the second one was the best and the third one was good in its own ways. Anyway, I will miss Pro. He leaves a huge void in Arizona. Whenever I need to eat wings, play trivia or make a random Rocky, Back to the Future or 90s reference, he was there. I will be taking applications for someone to take his place, but they are HUGE shoes to feel.

Good luck in Cinnci, Pro.

And you readers, thanks for sticking with me!