Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Insight Bowl

So the Insight Bowl is definitely NOT where I wanted ASU to be bowling in much bigger games. However it was a disappointing season which I have already blogged about and I was happy for them just to be in a bowl, especially a bowl right at home. The only problem was we waited to long to get tickets and they sold out so we had no way in, or did we? Some Rutgers football players gave us (Gabe, Baker and I) so we got to go! So we roll into the game and we are able to get tickets next to each other. Rutgers was handing out free Rutgers shirts at the game and they were nice so I wanted one. The girl there tried to deny us the shirts (we were wearing ASU stuff). In which I told her we were with the players and we told her who we were with. She said there was no way we were with them but gave us the shirts anyways after I told her we got not beef with Rutgers. As she gave a shirt to Gabe, who was wearing an ASU sweatshirt, some Rutgers fans yelled, "don't tell me you are giving that to him!" It was awesome.
So off we were to our seats which ended up being FRONT ROW seats right behind the D-backs Dugout. These are prime seats. We were right in the heart of the Rutgers section but we found a few ASU fans to cheer with down there. Well down there we witnessed some awesome stuff: Like a Super hot Rutgers cheer leader (their cheerleaders are hotter than ours I think, which should not be possible) that was near us, Gabe caught a football that was kicked into the stands after an extra point, and we basically had the wrath of hundreds of Rutgers fans coming at us. At one point the Rutgers fans started to chant at us, "Go Home ASU." So I turned around and replied, "But I am home." That got a good laugh out of them. One of the ASU fans that was in our section, after his 20th beer or something, got into a fight with a Rutgers fan so that is always entertaining. Baker high fived some hot chick as she entered into a tunnel that our seats were right by. Getting on TV, I think for channel 3 or something I dont really know.
As for the actual game, well it was ugly at first. ASU didnt seem to even try on defense, they were not even tackling at all. Rutgers rolled all over them to the tune of a 24-10 lead before ASU scored right before halftime and somehow were only down by 7 at the half (even though they had played so terrible). The 2nd half belong to the Sun Devils even though it got a little close at the end. I must say Rudy Burgess is a clutch player. He scored the game winning TD in the Sun Bowl last year, he took over in the 4th vs Arizona a month ago and he took over the 4th quarter again tonight running the ball when we needed it the most. I must say that guy is clutch and he has two more years left! Rudy Carpenter was amazing, 471 yds 4tds and 0ints! Holy Shit! That's a game. I love Sam Keller but I would not be sad if Carpenter won the starting job (althought I want Sam start next year). It was tough to see Dale's career end with an injury, I will miss him sorely. I would like to thank him, Derek Hagan, Matt Miller, Jamal Williams and all the seniors for 4 great years. Oh yeah and that Matt Miller 45 yard TD catch on 2nd and 25 was so awesome because it happened right in front of us. I also want to give props to Dirk Koetter for letting Chad Chrisitinson (There is no way I spelled that right) take the final snap of the game. Chad had done so much little stuff for Dirk over the last 4 years it was nice to see Dirk reward him

Overall it was a great night and I will always remember it.


Anonymous said...

Enough about sports........ what about Aunt Cathy?