Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Okay its getting real now, 2006 we are over halfway through the decade and I cant believe it. When 2000 struck I was just a little sophomore at St. Mary's high school, I have come along way to being the underachieving college slacker that I am today (two senior years? Woo Hoo!) Let me tell you what I did on this fine New Year's holiday (being held on the 2nd because the first was on a Sunday), I sat and watched college football from 10am to 11pm. I did have one break, I went to Wendy's. Yes I can not think of a better way to spend the day! Gotta hit a few points on the blog, my weekend, my new years and alot of football talk. I also gotta say hi to Aunt Cathy, getting ready for more sports talk!
On Friday night me and Ed went out for a little "group hang" with Carmen (you remember from the Christmas party), her friend Valerie (did I spell this right? Yes I am asking you) and two other people who's names I sadly do not remember. The night was relevant because we went to the Esplanade, my old high school stomping grounds. It was crazy to be back there since I spent many a weekend night there (back around 2000 actually, see it all comes together). Even went and saw a movie at the Esplanade which was a trip because I used to work there way back then. So it was crazy to see the place, it still looks the absolute same. Well anyways we ate before hand at Houstons and I must say that place is freaking expensive! I mean 10 bucks for a cheeseburger? Wow! But hey it was damn good so I am not complaining (or should I say I will stop complaining). Also guess who sat behind us? Brian Grant himself, I think I am name dropping but I am not sure (Judges? Judges say I have to know the person in order to name drop so it has been ruled that I did not name drop). Anyway afterwards we headed up to the Esplanade in order to see what movies were playing and I must say it took us FOREVER to figure out what movie to see. The Family Stone jumped out to an early lead and I got scared because I really do not want to see that movie (chick flick!) but luckily it feel back into the pack. Ed argued his heart out for Syriana, I tried to get people pumped about the idea of seeing Walk the Line (Reese with black hair and an accent? Oh man), The Family Stone then jumped back into the lead causing me to get worried again before somehow, somehow Fun With Dick and Jane managed to steal the race and win. What an upset! So from this irrelevant subject matter I jump straight into my movie review:

Fun With Dick and Jane is an interesting movie that pretty much takes a two hour long shot at the Enrons of the world. It has its funny parts, and it does have Jim Carey however its not a as crazy of a comedy like Jim Carey movies of the past were. It is interesting to watch however and the trailer is misleading because the movie is not about them robbing people that is maybe a 1/4 of the movie at most. The movie is actually about Jim Carey who works at a sleazy corporation who's stock tanks and the company goes bankrupt and the employees lose out on all their pentions. With no money Carey is forced to a life of crime. The movie is more about corporate America then it is about crime, however.
Its Worth Your Money if you want to have a good time and have already seen King Kong, Narina and the other holiday hit movies.

Then there was New Years Eve. Three years ago for New Years eve 2002-03 Bjorn, Justin and I went to the Mill block party (we got free tix). We went to early and we were not impressed and we weren't 21. Well this year we decided to go again (with a big crew). We were 21 and owed it to ourselves to go. Well I must say it still sucked and steer clear of Mill on New Years. Its 15 bucks to get in and the beer costs an insane amount of money plus the bars have cover charges. I must say house party is the way to go on New Years. I should have stayed home and watched Entourage all night like Baker did.

Okay time to break down Sports! There was some horrible officiating in some of the bowl games this year. I mean did the refs have money on the Michigan-Neberska and Iowa-Florida games? Michigan and Iowa got raped in the officiating department. The Fiesta Bowl went as everyone thought it should have gone. I mean Ohio State owns the Fiesta Bowl and Notre Dame just has bad luck playing bowl games in Arizona (a loss in the Insight Bowl two years ago and lost 41-9 to Oregon State in 2000 or something). Ted Ginn Jr sure showed up for that game, which led to a bunch of halarious A Ginn (you know like again, only a ginn!) comments by me. And how about Brady Quinn's sister/AJ Hawk's girlfriend? There was so much material on this, I do not remember her name so I will just refer to her as QuinnHawk. She made the most amazing turnaround in the River House hold since the 2004 Red Sox. When she was first on screen Justin recoiled in horror and both Baker and I were not impressed with her looks. After about 4,000 cut aways to her at the end of the game Justin said she was not as bad as he thought, and Matt and I were in full on obsessed mode (she was not that bad looking, actually she is good looking) to the point that we were contemplating going to mill later that night to find her and making a website about her (just kidding folks, we make disturbing jokes. But if we did make a website it would be www.QuinnHawk.com). I must say though, AJ Hawk must have been able to talk alot of shit. I mean do you think while Brady Quinn was calling out the signals, AJ was like "Hey Brady, I boned your sister last night." I mean wouldn't that throw you off? What if AJ Hawk sacked Quinn, tore his ACL and ended his career then got QuinnHawk pregnant and divorced her. Wouldn't that be the ultimate F U to the Quinn family? Remember these are just jokes kids, as they say "I got Jokes".

Okay that's all I got for now, later this week look for my Rose Bowl review and my preview of the upcoming Wild Card weekend in the NFL.
P.S. I sold out and let blogspot put adds on my webpage if it gets enough hits, so tell all your friends to read the blog because I could use the hits and in turn use the money!