Saturday, January 28, 2006

Welcome to the Next-Gen

I want to preface this latest blog entry by saying the highlight of my weekend (other then the fact that I do not have to work this weekend, which is awesome my first weekend off in a while) was going to the "soft" opening of a new bar in Scottsdale called the Yard House. Its pretty much in Scottsdale Fashion Square and they have 177 different types of draft beer, anything you could ask for. Sure it may be a little pricey, but that's a hell of a selection (Yes you could say I am promoting the bar, hopefully I get some free beer out of this. But I wont). Anyway I ended up not going, why? Because on Friday night my Xbox 360 came in the mail and basically that is what I have been doing all weekend.
First off xbox 360 is pretty freaking awesome. The graphical power is phenominal and the environments it creates for its games are a sight to behold. It also boasts a ton of online features and content download (i.e demos) so you can have hours of fun (wait am I promoting Microsoft too? I swear I am not just a shameless promoter. Umm, forgot about that random add that appears above this blog). I currently have two games for it, Madden 2006 and NBA live 2006. I must say the games are cool, the graphics are great, but its very easy to tell that these games were rushed. They lack alot of gameplay modes that their xbox counterparts had (NBA live 06, for example, doesn't have all-star weekend or a franchise mode and a really shitty free thow shooting system). The default camera angles on both games are tailored to showing off the graphical power and not so much to what the best viewpoint would be for gaming. Overall though its a good first go around, with Madden taking the cake. NBA live 2006 for the 360 is an inferior game compared to its old school xbox counterpart. Madden 06 for the 360, however, is an amazing game with some really cool new features added. I am sure the 2007 versions of both these games will be awesome.
Okay for those keeping score, I passed on going to the bars this weekend and have a social life in order to play video games. Sounds nerdy, hey it was special circumstances. I did get a chance to see Glory Road, however. Here is my review:

Glory Road follows the same old story line of every movie of its kind: mistfit group of guys come together to form a team, they get to know each other while having a few laughs, their coach is to hard on them and they struggle a little at first. They then come together, which is followed by a montage of them winning games then have the scene were something goes horribly wrong and they start to lose a few games. Then they have the big team blow out and everything is better and they go on to pull an amazing upset of some sort.
Well I must say Glory Road follows this storyline EXACTLY (so does the Miracle) but that's okay because its based on a true story and its just good. I don't care that I knew what was going to happen or it followed the same old storyline, its still a good storyline and it is still entertaining to watch. Plus in what other movie to you get to see such NBA greats as Jo Jo White and Pat Riley take on the protagonists? The answer is you don't. After seeing this movie though it makes you think a few things: David Latten (center for Texas Western) was the second coming of Wilt, Jo Jo White and Pat Riley might be the greatest basketball players in history, Billy Jo (the Texas Western guard) might be the greatest defensive stopper in basketball history. Overall I say it was a good movie and its worth the price of admission.

So before the movie started I saw a preview for the new movie, Akeelah and the Bee. I must say this movie looks like it could be one of the funniest movies ever, and not because its a comedy. The movie is about Laurence Fishburne (you know, Morphus) coaching a young black girl to the top of the spelling world, the Spelling Bee Championship. I cant even describe why this move sounds so hilarious, so I advise you if you have some free time to watch the trailer.
(upon further review that trailer on IMDB is not the one I saw in the theater and therefore is not even nearly as funny as the long one I saw. I advise you to track this done and watch because oh man its high comedy.) Well I guess ill try to explain it to you anyway. The trailer starts off with Fishburne at some random junior high watching a po dunk spelling bee, which makes me think he scouts random high schools for National Spelling Bee Talent which makes the movie awesome enough. ONce Akeelah wins the school spelling bee, FIshburne challenges her to spell a very hard word which she aces while trying so hard that she has a constipated look on her face. Then she runs out of the room because she is ashamed of her "gift". Fishburne tracks her down and becomes her spelling coach. She then goes through a rigours training regimine in which Fishburne tells her she will learn 100 new words a day and gives her a dicitionary in order to help her practice. But the practice gets to much for her and she starts to break down. Then she goes to the National Spelling Bee but realizes it is hard for her, a black girl, to compete in a white man's world (apparently the National Spelling Bee is the white man's world.) But she pushes through and she inspires younger black girls so much that in the trailer one proclaims "Im going to enter the bee next year!" And this is all in just the trailer! How funny could this movie be?

Okay kids I think that is all I have for you tonight. If any of you loyal readers have Xbox live (360 style) then hit me up we should game on the internet sometime.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My Two Cents On Penny

Remember Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway? When I say that name now what I, you and everyone else thinks of is a crappy basketball player who somehow makes 15 million dollars a year. People even decide to insult him by calling him the "nickel" instead of "penny". I never quite understood how this was an insult, its like if my nickname was "g-spot" and people started calling me "million dollar man." that's an upgrade in cash, therefore its an upgrade in a nickname. Honestly, would you rather have a penny or a nickel? Anyway it is time to jump back into the way back machine, back into the golden age of 1990s basketball. Before all our basketball heroes got 30 year, 700 million dollar contracts then simultaneously hurt their knees or developed drinking problems.

Penny Hardaway was an amazing player back in the day. His height and passing ability drew him comparisons to Magic Johnson, his scoring ability drew him comparisons to Michael Jordan. Basically I think Penny Hardaway was a prequel to LeBron James. Satistical evidence is all I have to support my claims, as I have fuzzy memories of Penny lighting it up back in the day. He was all NBA first team in 1994 and 1995 and 3rd team in 1996. He beat out such greats as Gary Payton, Reggie Miller, Mitch Richmond (wait he was never great), Clyde the Glide and John Stockton to get those first team honors. Those are 90s legends. In 1995 Penny was at the height of his career, on the cusp of a championship (who knows what would have happened if Nick Anderson had not pulled a Nick Anderson). He was also teamed with who was soon to be the most dominate player in the NBA. The follwing year they lost to, who else, Michael and the Bulls. Then Shaq left and took Dennis Scott with him (actually he didn't, Dennis just couldn't contribute without hitting the open jump shots that he got when Shaq was double teamed. 45% with Shaq, 39% without him). Nick Anderson was done after he missed those FTs in 1995 (FG% fell to 39%) and Penny was left with a team featuring such legendary centers as Rony Seikaly, Felton Spencer and Danny Schayes. Penny still tried his best, averaging 31 ppg in the playoffs that year, a loss in 5 games to the #1 seed Miami Heat. Then Penny got hurt. Then Penny got traded to Phoenix to be apart of "Backcourt 2000" with Jason Kidd. Backcourt 2000 became "Back In Court 2000" after the legal troubles both had in 2001. However in 2000 Penny looked like old Penny again. He played great in the playoffs (20, 5 and 5). However he got hurt again in 2001, tried to rush back and got hurt again and his career ended. Lucky for him he was in year 2 of a 500 year, 900 gazillion dollar deal (that only one man in the world would trade for, and he did Mr. Isiah Thomas). So next time you see Penny struggle in the Garden as the Knicks probably get blown out, as his minutes get cut for Nasty Nate Robinson and some other guard you don't know. Do not hate, do not compliment/insult him and call him the "nickel" just step back into the way back machine and remember mid 90s Penny. How sweet it was.

How about an all mid 90s stud, post 2000 overpaid, chronicaly injuried, acholholic, has 20 kids with 15 different women team:
F Vin Baker
F Shawn Kemp
C Diekmbe Mutumbo
G Allan Houston
G Penny

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Stay In School

Be Cool, Stay in School- Id date that slogan at about early 90s, maybe late 80s. I have already gone over in great detail why the early 90s ruled (actually I don't think I have except the time I blogged about 90s basketball. Anyway the Basketball of the early 90s alone is enough to make it the greatest era ever.) Why I bring up this slogan I really have no idea. I was trying to tie it into the fact that I just survived my first week of school, so just pretend it worked. Okay? Good.
So Class is back on and I must say I miss the Christmas break. I thought things were going my why when I found out I only need to buy 3 books for the semester. I'm actually going to save some money! I thought. Well as it turns out one of those book, my Management book, cost 110 freaking dollars! (Why is it always the business books that cost the most?) So there goes my dreams to save money (Honestly what would I save up my money for? I would buy an XBox 360 but they are out of stock everywhere. I guess I could blow my money on old school SNES Sports Games like NBA live 96, Tecmo Super Bowl and Tecmo Super Basketball. Oh wait I already did that). Anyway I decided to switch things up this year and take a dance class, ballroom/latin/swing dancing. It is pretty interesting. Although it can be a little awkward at times. Like when I am dancing with a girl I do not want to look directly into her eyes because that is just weird. However I don't like looking directly at my feet (even though I have to sometimes) because I want to make it look like I know what I am doing. So I end up looking directly at their breasts. Hey I'm not one to just stare at a girls chest all day (Scottie will be disappointed in me) but its the only place I really can be comfortable looking (I'm telling you, looking straight into a girl's face you barely know that you really have no interest in is really, really, weird.) So I wonder what my dance partners think. Its either A) This kid has no rhythm at all, B) Who is this weird guy staring at my chest or C) This guy is a freaking stud. (I'll take option C). Anyway some day I will be at a wedding near YOU. And I will dance my ass off. Until that day I will just go back to doing nothing exciting.

Let me break down this weeks episode of the OC:
Marissa's sister Katlyn (is that how you spell it? I am asking you.) And apparently she is a bad, bad girl. Anyway the idea of adding a hot 14 year girl just shows why the OC has the greatest writers to ever grace this Earth. I mean if I was president I think I would get them to write my speeches. How awesome would that be?
Dear American People,
I know you have been concerned about our country over the last few years but I assure you we are moving in the right direction. First we are going to break up all of America's "it" couples just to break the status quo. Then we will flood the market with hot, underage girls in order to spice things up even more. We also have a plan to unveil some hot lesbian romance in the future. If all that fails we have a contingency plan, we will kill of a big name unsuspected, just to get you all talking.
Thank you and Good night.

I mean wouldn't this make for a good speech? Anyway final thoughts on the OC for this week:
-I really hate Johnny, but if he hooks up with Katlyn I think he will be my favorite character ever.
-Are we really going back to the love triangle between Johnny, Marissa and Ryan? Actually no, because we are adding Katlyn to the mix.
-Rumor has it next episode Seth tries pot. I think the OC came come up with a better storyline then this, but then again they have had about 2,000 different ones this season.

that's all I have for tonight kids, Tune in this weekend when I break down the NFL playoffs somemore and maybe devote a good part of my blog to the Mamba.

Bye Bye

Sunday, January 15, 2006

NFL Playoffs

I spent my last week of freedom before school starts doing, you guessed it, watching the NFL playoffs. So here are my thoughts for the games:

Shawn Alexander fumbles twice and leaves the game with a concussion within the first 10 minutes of the game, and the Seahawks fumble the ball away a few more times during the game and still manage to have a fairly easy victory. How? Mark Brunnel. Yeah I think I am going to rip on him somemore, only because it is now funny to watch him play and I hope he sticks around. I felt bad for Clinton Portis, he was banged up all playoffs and had not shot of success. The basic blueprint to stop the Redskins is double Santana Moss, keep an athletic linebacker on Chris Cooley and stack your remaining 8 guys on the line of scrimmage. You're going to stop the run and Brunnel may get lucky at beat you once (which he did on that 50 yard pass to Chris Cooley). It was ironic how the only Redskin touchdown came from Brunnel throwing into triple coverage, only to have the ball bounce off the hands of a Seahawk DB and into the hands of Santana Moss. The rest of the game was ugly for him, he doesn't even have the arm strength to throw balls away! How many of his throw away passes were almost picked because he couldn't get them to sail out of bounds? Plus watching the play break down and seeing Brunnel have to run might be one of the 10 greatest thrills in sports history. Bottom Line: Seahawks defense had a good game, but lets see how they do against an actual offense.

Broncos-Pats- Jake Plummer is one win away from a Super Bowl. Reread the last sentence and let it sink in. I never thought I would hear that. I must say thought, take away the phantom PI penalty and the turnovers and I think Denver has about 3 points on 100 total yards, their offense did not look that great. Twice all they had to do was go one yard for a score, and two other times they got gift field position in the red zone. So I am not sure how they will do against the Steelers. I want Jake to win it all thought, and they have the defense to do it. As for the Pats, they lost but its not all that bad. It was not there year, no team has ever one three straight super bowls. I think they are still a force though, although I think they need to draft a running back because Corey Dillion is creeping up on his age 10 years on one year, year.

Colts-Steelers- What a great, exciting game. I am extremely happy to see the Manning family crash and burn. I must say, for some reason, Peyton Manning just can not win big games. Everyone will hype him up during the regular season but I do not think he has what it takes. The Steelers did a great job of blitzing him, if that was a tecmo super bowl game Pittsburgh's entire D would have been on excellent. Troy Palmalou (did I spell that right?) had an amazing game. He was everywhere, did everything I would not be surprised if he somehow cured cancer during the course of that game. Also on that overturned INT call? That might have been the worst playoff call I have ever seen, I mean that was terrible and the ref's explanation of why he overturned it made no sense at all. How do you not get that play right? The Steelers rebounded nicely, but that Jerome Bettis fumble was shocking. I mean I was shocked! Who saw that coming? The Bus doesn't fumble like that. Nick Harper recovered and almost took it to the house before he was tripped up by Big Ben (you remember Nick Harper got his knee cut by his wife the day before the game, Justin says that stopped him form returning it all the way.) Anyway when the colts kicker came up to try to tie the game I annouced to the store (I was at work, at this juncture in the game I was not even trying to help customers) that he was going to miss because he was not clutch and of course he did. I was proud of myself for predicting that, but looking back it was not that big of a prediction. Everyone knew the colts kicker would miss, he is less clutch then Peyton Manning (if that his possible). Good to see Peyton throw his offensive line under the bus after the game. Leave it to Peyton Manning, a great leader as long as he is winning but when the going gets rough, Peyton starts to point the finger. That might be a reason he never wins the big win (sounds a lot like Dan Marino eh?).

So predictable the outcome was. Hyped defensive battle, yet don't those always turn into 23-21 type games. It was good to see the Bears strategy for stopping Steve Smith was to leave him WIDE OPEN (okay so on both those plays the DB fell down but that kills the joke). There is no doubt in my mind the Panthers will beat the Seahawks. After all I did pick them to win it all before every other media member jumped on their bandwagon. Its the Panthers year.

Well that is all I got. I am really looking forward to not watching the colts next Sunday.
Later Kids

Monday, January 09, 2006

Weekend Randomness

My Sports thoughts from this past weekend:

- Its sucks what happened to Carson Palmer
- Tom Brady still rules
- The Suns are for real
- How is Mark Brunell doing it? He had the classic age 10 years in one year (happens to everyone, examples being Gary Payton in 2003-2004, Adrian Murrell in 1999 and Matt Williams in 2000.) yet he somehow regain the starting job his next year. This is significant because he still plays like he did last year, yet somehow he won a playoff game and is two games away from the Super Bowl. Explain this to me? Also can anyone name another WR on the Skins that's not Santana Moss? I can only name 4 players on their offense: Burnell, Chris Cooley, Moss and Portis. (Okay I can name more but those are the only players that matter. The bottom line is I have no idea how this team has won 11 of 17 games they have played this year.) This team bears an amazing resemblance the Tecmo Super Bowl (SNES version) Kansas City Chiefs. No offense at all (the Chiefs have an aging Joe Montana and an over the hill Christian Okaye). The Chiefs offense is so bad I managed to lose a game 5-0 to the computer in the season me and the roommates are playing. 5-0! I didn't know it was possible to have only 5 combined points scored in a Temco Super Bowl game. However, like the Redskins, the Cheifs defense is so incredible (Derrick Thomas, Niel Smith, Percy Snow and Dale Carter) that I stand at 12-2 through 14 games despite having the last ranked offense in the league. So basically I cant see the Redskins winning against the Seahawks, then again I have no clue how my TSB team keeps winning so you never know.

Alright now onto the Suns. They have been playing really well lately, in their last 10 games they are 8-2 and their two losses have been 3OT games. The basically have had to rough spots all year this year, the start of the year when they did not know how to play together right away and a few weeks ago when everyone was hurt and they only had 6 healthy players and Jim Jackson (he no longer counts as a player. But that's fine, he did enough in game 5 of the Western Semis vs Dallas last year to imortalize him in Suns history.) I don't know if any of you returning blog readers remember from my old summer blog, but I likened last year's team to Luke Skywalker from the Empire Strikes Back (Back to back blogs with Luke Skywalker references? I didn't expect that). For those who don't remember I will recap it real quickly:
The suns were out to "save" the NBA with their fast break, wide open, offense first style of play. They were trying to save the NBA from the Empire, which is represented as the defense intensive style of play that has killed the NBA's popularity from the mid 90s until now. The "Empire" had its share of bad guys, Pat Riley, Jeff Van Gundy, the current emperor, The Pistons and the current Darth Vader, the Spurs. The Rebel Alliance, represented by teams that play fun, high scoring ball, was weak and only represented by a few teams: The Kings and the Mavs. This is why the Suns were like Luke Skywalker. They were a young, brash team that came out of nowhere to be the NBA's new hope. However, like in the Empire Strikes Back, they rushed into a battle with Darth Vader (the Spurs) before they were ready. Luke got his hand cut off, the Suns lost 4 games to 1 and we had to suffer through 71-67 NBA final type games between the Spurs and Pistons.
Fast forward to now, the Suns are starting to resemble Luke Skywalker from the Return of the Jedi. They are older, wiser, darker and edger. They are no were near as innocent. Thanks to Raja Bell, Kurt Thomas, Boris Diaw and James Jones they play much better defense which has allowed them to be almost as good without Amare. You could see it when they played the Spurs on Saturday night. They were in control the whole game, they denied the Spurs easy drives into the line (which the Spurs seemed to get at will during the playoffs last year) and they pushed around Manu (how great was it to see him get his elbowed and shoved around by Kurt Thomas and Raja Bell in the 4th quarter?) In two games this year the Suns have split with the Spurs, although in game 1 this year the Suns were outplaying the Spurs until Barbosa went down (who was having a great game) and they kind of lost there way. Hey its only the regular season, but it seems like the Suns could have a chance this year if Amare comes back healthy. He the good guys have to win right?

originally this blog was meant to not be about sports so much, but I kind of got carried away. Anyway I have a movie review for you on the chronicles of Narnia:

This movie was well done and it followed the book well, from what I remembered. It was entertaining, somewhat funny and well acted. It was interesting seeing the book EVERYONE read as a kid adapted to the big screen. Plus the story is a timeless American classic. I do not have much else to say about it other than its worth seeing in the theater, especially if you read the book as a young kid.

Also, I think I was the last person in the world to see SNL's "Lazy Sunday" the rap video about going to see Narnia. With such classic lines as:
"Chronic- What?- icals of Narina"
"Mr. Pibb plus Red Vines equals crazy delicious."
"She acted like she ain't never seen a 10 before"
"McAdams like Gosling"
"Double True!"
"They call me Burr the way I be dropping Hamiltons."
I dont remember the last time an SNL skit created this much buzz. I had quit watching SNL because it had gotten so bad, but after seeing that I decided to start TIVOing it again. I wonder, will that skit be remembered as the skit that started to bring SNL back? You never know . . .

Okay y'all I'm off to enjoy my last week before ASU starts up again.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Rose Bowl LiveBlog

Hello all and welcome to my first ever LiveBlog. I wrote down everything blogworthy and all my thoughts as they happened. So here they are: unedited!!:

- I'm so sick of the hype yet I am watching the hour long pregame.
- Lee Corso says an NFL general manager should draft Vince Young #1 overall because of his "escapeability". Is that even a word? Justin emphatically says no, citing that Peyton Manning doesn't need any escapeability.
- Lee Corso on USC recruiting in Califorina, "The most best high schoolers, Califorina has 17 of the 24 starters for California." To quote Kanye West from Jesus Walks, "HUH?"
- Matt Baker has somehow managed to go from breaking down college football to snoring in a matter of two minutes.
- I'm already sick of the pregame hype of the hype so I have switched over to HBO to watch Spider-Man 2 for a while.
- I flip back just in time to hear another Corso gem, this time he states the Texas offensive line has 5 National League prospects. I info the channel to make sure I wasn't watching Baseball Tonight by accident.
- Lance Armstrong gives some epic pregame commentary: This is a big game, Texas has to play well. Thanks, Lance.
- Yet another Corso gem when he states, "Texas will shock the entire Universe, not just planet Earth." don't know what to say about that one.
- Pregame Predictions: Justin USC 49-17, Matt: USC 49-28, Me: USC 45-35
- The skit with Will Ferrel and Mathew McConaughey taking shit managed to completely destroy my excitement for the game. Justin claims the skit is, "Fucking terrible."
- Me and Justin go through or usual pregame USC ritual when we guess how many underage girl Matt Lienart do before the game. Justin says 3, I say 4 but we both agree it was too big of a game for him to do any more than that.
- When did Texas change their mascot from the longhorn to the McConaughey.
- The sideline reporter just said this is the best playing surface in Rose Bowl history. Baker says this is "HUGE". I say it is what I will always remember most about this game.
- Sandra Day O'Conner's husband is named John O'Conner. Were is Arnold when you need him?

1st Quarter
- Over/Under 15 promos for the new ABC show Injustice? Baker- Under, Justin- Over, Me- Push
- Baker asks what play is USC going to run their first play? Justin says "touchdown".
- 3 and out, good start for Texas . . . Nevermind. Huge fumble by Texas on the punt.
- Lendale White has 24 Tds this year? If this was fantasy football Reggie Bush owners would be pissed.
- ABC's key for Texas: Be In-"Vince"-Able. I get jokes.
- Can you say USC-Oklahoma part II?
- Nevermind that above comment. Texas secondary is pretty good.
- Terrible decision for USC to go for it on 4th down. They should have kicked the field goal and gone up 10-0. That gives Texas a ton of MO back.
- Texas is fumbling way to much.
- First Injustice commercial count it at 7:08 pm. 14 more to go.

2nd Quarter
- Best and only sign of the night so far reads: (619) HEI-SMAN
- Did Reggie Bush just attempt a lateral? Does he think he is Aaron Brooks?
- So maybe Texas should stop fumbling.
- Justin and I debate whether Reggie Bush would make a better QB than Vince Young. Just says Reggie would be better than Vince, I say Young is better and point to decision making. Justin agrees with (since Bush just made that crazy lateral a few minutes earlier.)
- I love the Ed and his Nokia commercial.
- Has Heather Graham's career fallen so far that she is doing a show on ABC?
- Injustice promo #2 at 7:30pm. Just 13 more to go. Its not looking so good.
- Texas' secondary is pretty freaking good.
- Vince Young's lateral on the Texas TD was every bit as risky as Bush's botched one earlier. And for the record that was not a TD, Young's knee was down. 9-7 Texas.
- TD Texas again. Its been all Texas since the Reggie Bush fumble. Texas is up 16-7.
- Justin states USC should just pound it and we all agree. Texas cant stop the run but USC keeps throwing the ball.
- Keith Jackson is stealing his material from Matt Baker.
- I haven't seen USC get outplayed in the first have like this since, well EVERY other game they played this year.
- 16-10 Texas @ half.

3rd Quarter
- Rumor has it the 3rd Injustice commercial appeared during halftime. I however, was alseep. 12 more to go.
- Lendale White just stiffed armed the shit out of Huff.
- Baker makes the most random comment of the night, comparing Matt Lienart's dad to Kevin Kruger.
- Baker puts NCAA 2006 in the XBOX and watches the computer play USC vs Texas. I guess the real thing isn't enough for him.
- This just in: Vince Young is damn good.
- I'm impressed with the Texas cheerleaders.
- Texas finally sniffs out that little hitch play to Jarrett that USC has ran about 500 times already.
- Lendale White and Lienart are getting in a groove. What happened to Reggie Bush?
- Keith Jackson is senile, I love him but he is senile.
- It took until the end of the 3rd quarter for us to have the Mike Vick vs Vince Young conversation.

4th Quarter
- Texas misses FG, Justin declares the game over in USC's favor.
- Both Texas and USC's TEs are having good games.
- Hello Lendale White, please meet the top 10 of the NFL draft.
- There's Reggie Bush! That's why he is amazing, a 30 yard TD run topped off with a superman-esque soar into the endzone. 31-23 USC.
- Dan Fouts somehow, someway made a Harry Potter reference.
- Big mental error by Killbrew there, roughing Lienart on 3rd down.
- What a throw by Lienart and catch by Jarrett! Jumps high into the air, grabs the ball, fights his way into the endzone and takes two Texas players down for the count all in one motion. 38-26 USC, it might be over for the Longhorns.
- TD Vince Young, just an incredible player. 38-33.
- 4th and 2, 2:13 left USC up 38-33. Does USC go for it? Yup.
NO! Wow, Texas ball. THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD.
- USC's blitz is getting to Young, but Young will prolly make them pay.
- USC cant stop Vince Young. 1st and 10 Texas on USC's 25 with 45 seconds left.
- Did I just see Vince Young smile?
- Here it is, 4th and 5 on the 8 yard line with the national title on the line.
- TD run Vince Young, he is amazing. Just amazing.
- 2pt conversation run by Young, can he be stopped? 41-38 Texas 19 seconds left.
- Texas wins it all!

Okay enough real time, my thoughts on the game:

What an incredible game that lived up to the hype. After the game Baker, Justin and I just sat in silence trying to fathom what we just saw Vince Young do. I was rooting for USC to start the game but with Texas driving trying to win I found myself rooting for Texas just because of Vince Young. I have never, ever turned on a game like that before. Never has one player caused me to switch who I was rooting for mid game. Basically it was the most incredible, clutch, championship performance I have ever seen. I have never seen one man take down a dynasty like that. The only comparison is Luke Skywalker single handedly taking down the Empire in the original Star Wars triology.
I have stated before Reggie Bush is the best player I have ever seen but I change that to Vince Young. I cant believe what one game did for him, I mean that game changed EVERYTHING. We were all sitting there in disbelief after the game trying to digest what happened. I think Justin (who by the way didn't like Vince Young at all going into the game) when I asked him who was on the late night shows tonight and he said: "Probably Vince Young, he does everything."

I must say the game lived up to the hype and I have nothing more to say but wow.

P.S. Did anyone see Aaron Taylor have a mental breakdown after the game while holding the Wheaties box with the Longhorns on the cover?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Okay its getting real now, 2006 we are over halfway through the decade and I cant believe it. When 2000 struck I was just a little sophomore at St. Mary's high school, I have come along way to being the underachieving college slacker that I am today (two senior years? Woo Hoo!) Let me tell you what I did on this fine New Year's holiday (being held on the 2nd because the first was on a Sunday), I sat and watched college football from 10am to 11pm. I did have one break, I went to Wendy's. Yes I can not think of a better way to spend the day! Gotta hit a few points on the blog, my weekend, my new years and alot of football talk. I also gotta say hi to Aunt Cathy, getting ready for more sports talk!
On Friday night me and Ed went out for a little "group hang" with Carmen (you remember from the Christmas party), her friend Valerie (did I spell this right? Yes I am asking you) and two other people who's names I sadly do not remember. The night was relevant because we went to the Esplanade, my old high school stomping grounds. It was crazy to be back there since I spent many a weekend night there (back around 2000 actually, see it all comes together). Even went and saw a movie at the Esplanade which was a trip because I used to work there way back then. So it was crazy to see the place, it still looks the absolute same. Well anyways we ate before hand at Houstons and I must say that place is freaking expensive! I mean 10 bucks for a cheeseburger? Wow! But hey it was damn good so I am not complaining (or should I say I will stop complaining). Also guess who sat behind us? Brian Grant himself, I think I am name dropping but I am not sure (Judges? Judges say I have to know the person in order to name drop so it has been ruled that I did not name drop). Anyway afterwards we headed up to the Esplanade in order to see what movies were playing and I must say it took us FOREVER to figure out what movie to see. The Family Stone jumped out to an early lead and I got scared because I really do not want to see that movie (chick flick!) but luckily it feel back into the pack. Ed argued his heart out for Syriana, I tried to get people pumped about the idea of seeing Walk the Line (Reese with black hair and an accent? Oh man), The Family Stone then jumped back into the lead causing me to get worried again before somehow, somehow Fun With Dick and Jane managed to steal the race and win. What an upset! So from this irrelevant subject matter I jump straight into my movie review:

Fun With Dick and Jane is an interesting movie that pretty much takes a two hour long shot at the Enrons of the world. It has its funny parts, and it does have Jim Carey however its not a as crazy of a comedy like Jim Carey movies of the past were. It is interesting to watch however and the trailer is misleading because the movie is not about them robbing people that is maybe a 1/4 of the movie at most. The movie is actually about Jim Carey who works at a sleazy corporation who's stock tanks and the company goes bankrupt and the employees lose out on all their pentions. With no money Carey is forced to a life of crime. The movie is more about corporate America then it is about crime, however.
Its Worth Your Money if you want to have a good time and have already seen King Kong, Narina and the other holiday hit movies.

Then there was New Years Eve. Three years ago for New Years eve 2002-03 Bjorn, Justin and I went to the Mill block party (we got free tix). We went to early and we were not impressed and we weren't 21. Well this year we decided to go again (with a big crew). We were 21 and owed it to ourselves to go. Well I must say it still sucked and steer clear of Mill on New Years. Its 15 bucks to get in and the beer costs an insane amount of money plus the bars have cover charges. I must say house party is the way to go on New Years. I should have stayed home and watched Entourage all night like Baker did.

Okay time to break down Sports! There was some horrible officiating in some of the bowl games this year. I mean did the refs have money on the Michigan-Neberska and Iowa-Florida games? Michigan and Iowa got raped in the officiating department. The Fiesta Bowl went as everyone thought it should have gone. I mean Ohio State owns the Fiesta Bowl and Notre Dame just has bad luck playing bowl games in Arizona (a loss in the Insight Bowl two years ago and lost 41-9 to Oregon State in 2000 or something). Ted Ginn Jr sure showed up for that game, which led to a bunch of halarious A Ginn (you know like again, only a ginn!) comments by me. And how about Brady Quinn's sister/AJ Hawk's girlfriend? There was so much material on this, I do not remember her name so I will just refer to her as QuinnHawk. She made the most amazing turnaround in the River House hold since the 2004 Red Sox. When she was first on screen Justin recoiled in horror and both Baker and I were not impressed with her looks. After about 4,000 cut aways to her at the end of the game Justin said she was not as bad as he thought, and Matt and I were in full on obsessed mode (she was not that bad looking, actually she is good looking) to the point that we were contemplating going to mill later that night to find her and making a website about her (just kidding folks, we make disturbing jokes. But if we did make a website it would be I must say though, AJ Hawk must have been able to talk alot of shit. I mean do you think while Brady Quinn was calling out the signals, AJ was like "Hey Brady, I boned your sister last night." I mean wouldn't that throw you off? What if AJ Hawk sacked Quinn, tore his ACL and ended his career then got QuinnHawk pregnant and divorced her. Wouldn't that be the ultimate F U to the Quinn family? Remember these are just jokes kids, as they say "I got Jokes".

Okay that's all I got for now, later this week look for my Rose Bowl review and my preview of the upcoming Wild Card weekend in the NFL.
P.S. I sold out and let blogspot put adds on my webpage if it gets enough hits, so tell all your friends to read the blog because I could use the hits and in turn use the money!