Thursday, January 19, 2006

Stay In School

Be Cool, Stay in School- Id date that slogan at about early 90s, maybe late 80s. I have already gone over in great detail why the early 90s ruled (actually I don't think I have except the time I blogged about 90s basketball. Anyway the Basketball of the early 90s alone is enough to make it the greatest era ever.) Why I bring up this slogan I really have no idea. I was trying to tie it into the fact that I just survived my first week of school, so just pretend it worked. Okay? Good.
So Class is back on and I must say I miss the Christmas break. I thought things were going my why when I found out I only need to buy 3 books for the semester. I'm actually going to save some money! I thought. Well as it turns out one of those book, my Management book, cost 110 freaking dollars! (Why is it always the business books that cost the most?) So there goes my dreams to save money (Honestly what would I save up my money for? I would buy an XBox 360 but they are out of stock everywhere. I guess I could blow my money on old school SNES Sports Games like NBA live 96, Tecmo Super Bowl and Tecmo Super Basketball. Oh wait I already did that). Anyway I decided to switch things up this year and take a dance class, ballroom/latin/swing dancing. It is pretty interesting. Although it can be a little awkward at times. Like when I am dancing with a girl I do not want to look directly into her eyes because that is just weird. However I don't like looking directly at my feet (even though I have to sometimes) because I want to make it look like I know what I am doing. So I end up looking directly at their breasts. Hey I'm not one to just stare at a girls chest all day (Scottie will be disappointed in me) but its the only place I really can be comfortable looking (I'm telling you, looking straight into a girl's face you barely know that you really have no interest in is really, really, weird.) So I wonder what my dance partners think. Its either A) This kid has no rhythm at all, B) Who is this weird guy staring at my chest or C) This guy is a freaking stud. (I'll take option C). Anyway some day I will be at a wedding near YOU. And I will dance my ass off. Until that day I will just go back to doing nothing exciting.

Let me break down this weeks episode of the OC:
Marissa's sister Katlyn (is that how you spell it? I am asking you.) And apparently she is a bad, bad girl. Anyway the idea of adding a hot 14 year girl just shows why the OC has the greatest writers to ever grace this Earth. I mean if I was president I think I would get them to write my speeches. How awesome would that be?
Dear American People,
I know you have been concerned about our country over the last few years but I assure you we are moving in the right direction. First we are going to break up all of America's "it" couples just to break the status quo. Then we will flood the market with hot, underage girls in order to spice things up even more. We also have a plan to unveil some hot lesbian romance in the future. If all that fails we have a contingency plan, we will kill of a big name unsuspected, just to get you all talking.
Thank you and Good night.

I mean wouldn't this make for a good speech? Anyway final thoughts on the OC for this week:
-I really hate Johnny, but if he hooks up with Katlyn I think he will be my favorite character ever.
-Are we really going back to the love triangle between Johnny, Marissa and Ryan? Actually no, because we are adding Katlyn to the mix.
-Rumor has it next episode Seth tries pot. I think the OC came come up with a better storyline then this, but then again they have had about 2,000 different ones this season.

that's all I have for tonight kids, Tune in this weekend when I break down the NFL playoffs somemore and maybe devote a good part of my blog to the Mamba.

Bye Bye