Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Rose Bowl LiveBlog

Hello all and welcome to my first ever LiveBlog. I wrote down everything blogworthy and all my thoughts as they happened. So here they are: unedited!!:

- I'm so sick of the hype yet I am watching the hour long pregame.
- Lee Corso says an NFL general manager should draft Vince Young #1 overall because of his "escapeability". Is that even a word? Justin emphatically says no, citing that Peyton Manning doesn't need any escapeability.
- Lee Corso on USC recruiting in Califorina, "The most best high schoolers, Califorina has 17 of the 24 starters for California." To quote Kanye West from Jesus Walks, "HUH?"
- Matt Baker has somehow managed to go from breaking down college football to snoring in a matter of two minutes.
- I'm already sick of the pregame hype of the hype so I have switched over to HBO to watch Spider-Man 2 for a while.
- I flip back just in time to hear another Corso gem, this time he states the Texas offensive line has 5 National League prospects. I info the channel to make sure I wasn't watching Baseball Tonight by accident.
- Lance Armstrong gives some epic pregame commentary: This is a big game, Texas has to play well. Thanks, Lance.
- Yet another Corso gem when he states, "Texas will shock the entire Universe, not just planet Earth." don't know what to say about that one.
- Pregame Predictions: Justin USC 49-17, Matt: USC 49-28, Me: USC 45-35
- The skit with Will Ferrel and Mathew McConaughey taking shit managed to completely destroy my excitement for the game. Justin claims the skit is, "Fucking terrible."
- Me and Justin go through or usual pregame USC ritual when we guess how many underage girl Matt Lienart do before the game. Justin says 3, I say 4 but we both agree it was too big of a game for him to do any more than that.
- When did Texas change their mascot from the longhorn to the McConaughey.
- The sideline reporter just said this is the best playing surface in Rose Bowl history. Baker says this is "HUGE". I say it is what I will always remember most about this game.
- Sandra Day O'Conner's husband is named John O'Conner. Were is Arnold when you need him?

1st Quarter
- Over/Under 15 promos for the new ABC show Injustice? Baker- Under, Justin- Over, Me- Push
- Baker asks what play is USC going to run their first play? Justin says "touchdown".
- 3 and out, good start for Texas . . . Nevermind. Huge fumble by Texas on the punt.
- Lendale White has 24 Tds this year? If this was fantasy football Reggie Bush owners would be pissed.
- ABC's key for Texas: Be In-"Vince"-Able. I get jokes.
- Can you say USC-Oklahoma part II?
- Nevermind that above comment. Texas secondary is pretty good.
- Terrible decision for USC to go for it on 4th down. They should have kicked the field goal and gone up 10-0. That gives Texas a ton of MO back.
- Texas is fumbling way to much.
- First Injustice commercial count it at 7:08 pm. 14 more to go.

2nd Quarter
- Best and only sign of the night so far reads: (619) HEI-SMAN
- Did Reggie Bush just attempt a lateral? Does he think he is Aaron Brooks?
- So maybe Texas should stop fumbling.
- Justin and I debate whether Reggie Bush would make a better QB than Vince Young. Just says Reggie would be better than Vince, I say Young is better and point to decision making. Justin agrees with (since Bush just made that crazy lateral a few minutes earlier.)
- I love the Ed and his Nokia commercial.
- Has Heather Graham's career fallen so far that she is doing a show on ABC?
- Injustice promo #2 at 7:30pm. Just 13 more to go. Its not looking so good.
- Texas' secondary is pretty freaking good.
- Vince Young's lateral on the Texas TD was every bit as risky as Bush's botched one earlier. And for the record that was not a TD, Young's knee was down. 9-7 Texas.
- TD Texas again. Its been all Texas since the Reggie Bush fumble. Texas is up 16-7.
- Justin states USC should just pound it and we all agree. Texas cant stop the run but USC keeps throwing the ball.
- Keith Jackson is stealing his material from Matt Baker.
- I haven't seen USC get outplayed in the first have like this since, well EVERY other game they played this year.
- 16-10 Texas @ half.

3rd Quarter
- Rumor has it the 3rd Injustice commercial appeared during halftime. I however, was alseep. 12 more to go.
- Lendale White just stiffed armed the shit out of Huff.
- Baker makes the most random comment of the night, comparing Matt Lienart's dad to Kevin Kruger.
- Baker puts NCAA 2006 in the XBOX and watches the computer play USC vs Texas. I guess the real thing isn't enough for him.
- This just in: Vince Young is damn good.
- I'm impressed with the Texas cheerleaders.
- Texas finally sniffs out that little hitch play to Jarrett that USC has ran about 500 times already.
- Lendale White and Lienart are getting in a groove. What happened to Reggie Bush?
- Keith Jackson is senile, I love him but he is senile.
- It took until the end of the 3rd quarter for us to have the Mike Vick vs Vince Young conversation.

4th Quarter
- Texas misses FG, Justin declares the game over in USC's favor.
- Both Texas and USC's TEs are having good games.
- Hello Lendale White, please meet the top 10 of the NFL draft.
- There's Reggie Bush! That's why he is amazing, a 30 yard TD run topped off with a superman-esque soar into the endzone. 31-23 USC.
- Dan Fouts somehow, someway made a Harry Potter reference.
- Big mental error by Killbrew there, roughing Lienart on 3rd down.
- What a throw by Lienart and catch by Jarrett! Jumps high into the air, grabs the ball, fights his way into the endzone and takes two Texas players down for the count all in one motion. 38-26 USC, it might be over for the Longhorns.
- TD Vince Young, just an incredible player. 38-33.
- 4th and 2, 2:13 left USC up 38-33. Does USC go for it? Yup.
NO! Wow, Texas ball. THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD.
- USC's blitz is getting to Young, but Young will prolly make them pay.
- USC cant stop Vince Young. 1st and 10 Texas on USC's 25 with 45 seconds left.
- Did I just see Vince Young smile?
- Here it is, 4th and 5 on the 8 yard line with the national title on the line.
- TD run Vince Young, he is amazing. Just amazing.
- 2pt conversation run by Young, can he be stopped? 41-38 Texas 19 seconds left.
- Texas wins it all!

Okay enough real time, my thoughts on the game:

What an incredible game that lived up to the hype. After the game Baker, Justin and I just sat in silence trying to fathom what we just saw Vince Young do. I was rooting for USC to start the game but with Texas driving trying to win I found myself rooting for Texas just because of Vince Young. I have never, ever turned on a game like that before. Never has one player caused me to switch who I was rooting for mid game. Basically it was the most incredible, clutch, championship performance I have ever seen. I have never seen one man take down a dynasty like that. The only comparison is Luke Skywalker single handedly taking down the Empire in the original Star Wars triology.
I have stated before Reggie Bush is the best player I have ever seen but I change that to Vince Young. I cant believe what one game did for him, I mean that game changed EVERYTHING. We were all sitting there in disbelief after the game trying to digest what happened. I think Justin (who by the way didn't like Vince Young at all going into the game) when I asked him who was on the late night shows tonight and he said: "Probably Vince Young, he does everything."

I must say the game lived up to the hype and I have nothing more to say but wow.

P.S. Did anyone see Aaron Taylor have a mental breakdown after the game while holding the Wheaties box with the Longhorns on the cover?