Monday, February 27, 2006

Boom Squad!

Boom Squad 2006 Intramural Rec League Champions!!!!

I forget the final score but we won by 18 points over a team that had not been beaten all year. So needless to say we are the champions! It feels so good, after the game our team go t-shirts and a group picture which I will post when it goes up on ASU’s website. We also are throwing ourselves a nice pizza party in honor of this years team! I want to say the Boom Squad season has been one hell of a ride. I think the team we played was called Team Loco. They got out to an early lead, led at halftime before we just put the Boom Squad beat down on them. Bottom line is if your team is not taller then us you probably will not win. We are a great fast breaking team that plays good defense and can shoot (heck even I made a few threes this year). I team was unstoppable when we had Big Steve, a 6-7 dynamo to control the paint. Sadly he tore his rotator cuff in the first playoff game and we had to go the rest of the playoffs without him. We missed him badly although you wouldn’t know if because the next two games we played we won by 13 and 18. We only suffered one loss this season, by 1 point in a game we played very sloppy and were missing two of our best players. Every other game we played in we won by double digits. It was one heck of a year, my vote to MOP (Most Outstanding Player) goes to Tibbits who played like a man possessed in the playoffs. BOOM SQUAD BABY!

I am officially going to dub the weekend of February 25-26th 2006 as “Bruce Willis Weekend.” I do this because it was his, he owned it. He was all over the place. Over the course of the weekend I watched parts of Armageddon, Die Hard, The 5th Element, Sin City, The Last Boy Scout and Pulp Fiction (not to mention the previews for his new movie 16 blocks which randomly appeared throughout the weekend). Anywhere you looked one of his movies was on TV or a movie channel. It was insane but also awesome, because Bruce Willis freaking rules. The weekend became so Bruce Willis heavy that on Sunday night Justin and I were watching Pulp Fiction and Baker happens to come home during a scene in which he is in it and just says, “That’s exactly who I expected to see on the TV.” He then proceeded to sit down and watch the rest of the Bruce Willis scenes with us. I am sad its over, I wish every weekend could be a Bruce Willis weekend. (Although I later found out that Last Man Standing is on tonight, just in case I need a Bruce Willis fix).

Without further delay I give you random Bruce Willis facts (as found on

  • He is the hero of singer Nick Lachey (Justin wants me to add that Bruce Willis is also his hero. Yes, that is how powerful a Bruce Willis weekend is.)
  • After dating Brooke Burns for ten months and finally being engaged to her they decided to split because of the difficulties with maintaining a long-distance relationship
  • His recording of "Respect Yourself" reached #5 in January of 1987.
  • Was high school student council president.

Let the record state that I moved into my current residence in May of 2005, let the record state that in May of 2005 I saw we lived pretty much 5 minutes away from a Super China Star Buffet which I believe (I could easily be wrong) that on movie day I proclaimed to the guys that we, “Had to go there.” Fast forward to February of 2006 and I finally ended up going there. It was me and Justin’s bright idea driving home from the bar on Thursday night so the rest of the weekend we had dreams of fried rice and all you can eat Chinese food dancing in our heads. Adam decided to come with us so we all went over with empty stomachs ready to be satisfied. Lets just say we were the exact OPPOSITE of satisfied. The place was expensive (9 bucks!) and it was horrible food. The fried rice was like half cooked, the egg rolls were terrible, the orange chicken tasted like alcohol, the soft serve ice cream did not have a distinctive taste and everything else was just poor. However we were not to be deterred, it maybe have been bad food but we were still going to get our 9 dollars worth! Well that was until a kid sitting at the table next us started puking (after careful examination it was determined that he threw up before he ate any of the food, which was a good thing for us I guess). Well after the puking incident we pretty much lost our appetite and therefore could not get our 9 dollars worth. Also the fortune cookies sucked! They didn’t tell us our fortune they just cracked bad jokes! Oh well you can not win them all I guess. Moral of the story is do not go to super china star buffet any more.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hell Week, Bjornstock and basketball talk

I must apologize for not updating the blog in what seems like forever. I have been very busy. In the past week I have had to read about 1,000 books for my history 498 class (that class is kicking my ass), take a test in management (lets just say I’ve done better on tests), work a 12 hour shift (on Friday, and it sucked) and look for internships. So it was one hell of a week. However it was all over by Saturday night just in time for Bjornstock 2006!! Another big party from the Cottonwood Kings. The flyers we passed out set the tone for the party, on them included such great things as the picture I took of Bjorn at the USC-ASU tailgate in which he is holding up a sign that says he can out drink Wade Boggs (a shocking amount of people don’t seem to know how Wade Boggs is. He was a great baseball player, but that’s not important. Urban Legend has it that he once drank 64 beers on a cross country flight. So if Bjorn could out drink Wade Boggs that would be pretty damn impressive). While passing out the flyers (me and Bjorn spent the better part of three hours trying to pass them out at work on Friday night) we made promises of 8 kegs. That got people pumped (actually Keg count for the night: 2). The party itself was a lot of fun and it lasted until about 3am (which was a nice change since their last few parties have gotten broken up around midnight). However nothing that happened was really blog worthy. It was a great time, I had fun, I might have had a little to much to drink, and all the awesome kids were there. Other then that I do not have much else to say about it. Good times all around though. If I remember correctly I took some good pictures, but I don’t really remember with who or how many.

All-Star weekend was this weekend so I am only going to say a few things about it: 1 Andre I got robbed, 2. the West’s 4th quarter offense was for Kobe and T-Mac to jack no wonder they lost. 3. I somehow have not gotten sick of seeing Eva Longoria everywhere and I don’t think I ever will. 4. Carrie Underwood is sooooooo hot.

So since its all-star weekend its time for me to break down the first half of the NBA season. Here it goes:

Detroit is obviously the team to beat. I’m never going to count out Miami because they have Wade and Shaq will step up his game come playoff time. Its easy to see getting Antoine Walker and Jason Williams was a mistake. Whenever I watch a heat game GP is always playing the point when the game is on the line. The Nets might be fun to watch but they have no shot at beating Miami or Detroit. Not with that imposing frontline of Uncle Cliffy and Kristic. For the West, we actually have three teams: Mavs, Spurs and Suns. It seems like the Spurs are having a down year, until you realize that they are like 41-11. Everyone is waiting for the Mavs to prove it in the playoffs and for good reason. I must say though they have what it takes to get it done. Remember folks, they are in the Western Conference. From 2000-2004 the West playoffs were not easy. The West Semi Finals were basically like the Conference finals with the West Conference finals being the NBA finals. So looking back on it that way, the Mavs reached the NBA finals in 2003 but lost to the Spurs (who doesn’t lose to the Spurs?). If the Suns are real good right now, if Amare can return to health they will be scary. Good thing for the Suns is that they are the #2 seed. Which means while the Mavs and Spurs battle it out in the Semifinals the Suns will be cruising past a Denver/NOAK/Memphis. Ahh good times.

Midseason awards:

MVP: Steve Nash

ROY: Chris Paul (duh)

Coach: Flip

Executive: Bryan C or maybe Elgin Baylor

I am still not going to make any predictions until the playoffs start. I do want to address the trade rumors that Isaiah wants to trade for Steve Francis and pair him with Starbury to make a modern day Isaiah-Dumars backcourt. I really want this to happen. How awesome would this be? It would go so horribly wrong it would be great. You know Franchise is gonna be pissed he cant be #3. They are both gonna battle for the ball. Its going to be great.

May darkhorse team to win the NCAA tourney: Memphis. I don’t know if you can call a top 10 team a darkhorse, but I like Memphis. Darius Washington baby (as long as the game doesn’t come down to free throws).

Okay kids I am out, Ill try to make the blogs better I promise.

P.S. If JamesOn Curry’s name was Leonard Curry or Joey Curry would he be as talked about?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Complete Randomness

For long time readers of the blog you will notice that I have used this title before, for new readers welcome to a recurring title I will use with some of my blog entries when they have no theme, they are just random. To all my readers, I am sure none of you care. So on with the show!

Did you hear about the HUGE trade that went down today? ABC traded Al Michaels to NBC for the rights to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, four rounds of golf and Olympic highlights. (I am not even joking, here is the link)
How awesome is this, I didn't realize broadcasters got traded. Anyway I have to wonder about ABC here, I mean trading one of the best play by play man ever for the rights to some cartoon bunny no one has heard of and some sports highlights? Is this the ultimate salary dump? If Al Michaels stays on for the NBA on ABC then I guess ABC got the better of this deal. What if trading broadcasters became a common occurrence? Then someone needs to trade for Bob Costas because he is being wasted at NBC. Maybe FOX could offer NBC the rights to Arrested Development and three sitcoms to be named later for Costas, then Costas can call football and baseball games! How awesome would this be? Although NBC does have big plans for Costas in their Sunday night football instudio show, they are in such a dire need for sitcoms maybe the promise of four sitcoms will get them to part with Bobby.

You probably have realized I have not blogged about the Super Bowl. This is because it was the most boring somewhat close superbowl of all time. The Steelers didn't win it, the Seahawks lost it I think (refs helped). Both teams didn't play well, Big Ben had a bad game, Troy "I cover 30% of the Earth" Palamalu (I spelt that wrong) made about 2 plays the whole game. Shaun Alexander had the quietest 95 yards rushing in football history. Add to that the commercials were terrible it was a forgettable superbowl. I still had fun however, because no matter how bad the game is you are still with your friends, drinking beer and eating tons of junk food. It doesn't get much better then that.

So how about the OC lately? Johnny is finally dead, which is good because I was getting sick of him. Katlin is gone (which is sad, TV needs more hot 14 year olds that are sex symbols. These are just jokes folks) Sadie, Johnny's cousin, seems to be a new character that is going to take Johnny's place as the person to come between Ryan and Marissa ( I like Sadie better because she is hot and not an butmunch, yes I just used the word butmunch. Welcome back to 1995). So it seems the OC is ready to go into the third part of the season. My experience in watching the OC so far (only part of last year and all of this year) is they really have three seasons in one season. They rap up about three major stories each year, the biggest ones being late in the year. So the next third of the season looks somewhat promising. The bad news is there are no more new episodes until March 9! I cant wait that long! Plus every NBC show is off the air for about a month (Scrubs, the Office and My name is Earl). At the risk of sounding like a typical American, I think I hate the Olympics (okay not true they are pretty cool, but I miss my TV!)

Okay kids I am done blogging for the night. I really have to start getting to work on my research paper, which I put off on Friday during the little freetime I had to watch a crappy 1985 movie called the Explorers (staring a 12 year old Ethan Hawk). It was so bad I could not believe I wasted my time watching this movie. In a nutshell it was about three high school students who happen to have the combined IQ of Einstein times 100 million. They build a spaceship and meet aliens who watch a lot of TV. The twist is that the aliens they meet are just kid aliens and their dad gets pissed when they see him with humans. Seriously, I am going to fail my research paper over THAT!!??

Argh, I can not go on anymore . . .