Monday, February 27, 2006

Boom Squad!

Boom Squad 2006 Intramural Rec League Champions!!!!

I forget the final score but we won by 18 points over a team that had not been beaten all year. So needless to say we are the champions! It feels so good, after the game our team go t-shirts and a group picture which I will post when it goes up on ASU’s website. We also are throwing ourselves a nice pizza party in honor of this years team! I want to say the Boom Squad season has been one hell of a ride. I think the team we played was called Team Loco. They got out to an early lead, led at halftime before we just put the Boom Squad beat down on them. Bottom line is if your team is not taller then us you probably will not win. We are a great fast breaking team that plays good defense and can shoot (heck even I made a few threes this year). I team was unstoppable when we had Big Steve, a 6-7 dynamo to control the paint. Sadly he tore his rotator cuff in the first playoff game and we had to go the rest of the playoffs without him. We missed him badly although you wouldn’t know if because the next two games we played we won by 13 and 18. We only suffered one loss this season, by 1 point in a game we played very sloppy and were missing two of our best players. Every other game we played in we won by double digits. It was one heck of a year, my vote to MOP (Most Outstanding Player) goes to Tibbits who played like a man possessed in the playoffs. BOOM SQUAD BABY!

I am officially going to dub the weekend of February 25-26th 2006 as “Bruce Willis Weekend.” I do this because it was his, he owned it. He was all over the place. Over the course of the weekend I watched parts of Armageddon, Die Hard, The 5th Element, Sin City, The Last Boy Scout and Pulp Fiction (not to mention the previews for his new movie 16 blocks which randomly appeared throughout the weekend). Anywhere you looked one of his movies was on TV or a movie channel. It was insane but also awesome, because Bruce Willis freaking rules. The weekend became so Bruce Willis heavy that on Sunday night Justin and I were watching Pulp Fiction and Baker happens to come home during a scene in which he is in it and just says, “That’s exactly who I expected to see on the TV.” He then proceeded to sit down and watch the rest of the Bruce Willis scenes with us. I am sad its over, I wish every weekend could be a Bruce Willis weekend. (Although I later found out that Last Man Standing is on tonight, just in case I need a Bruce Willis fix).

Without further delay I give you random Bruce Willis facts (as found on

  • He is the hero of singer Nick Lachey (Justin wants me to add that Bruce Willis is also his hero. Yes, that is how powerful a Bruce Willis weekend is.)
  • After dating Brooke Burns for ten months and finally being engaged to her they decided to split because of the difficulties with maintaining a long-distance relationship
  • His recording of "Respect Yourself" reached #5 in January of 1987.
  • Was high school student council president.

Let the record state that I moved into my current residence in May of 2005, let the record state that in May of 2005 I saw we lived pretty much 5 minutes away from a Super China Star Buffet which I believe (I could easily be wrong) that on movie day I proclaimed to the guys that we, “Had to go there.” Fast forward to February of 2006 and I finally ended up going there. It was me and Justin’s bright idea driving home from the bar on Thursday night so the rest of the weekend we had dreams of fried rice and all you can eat Chinese food dancing in our heads. Adam decided to come with us so we all went over with empty stomachs ready to be satisfied. Lets just say we were the exact OPPOSITE of satisfied. The place was expensive (9 bucks!) and it was horrible food. The fried rice was like half cooked, the egg rolls were terrible, the orange chicken tasted like alcohol, the soft serve ice cream did not have a distinctive taste and everything else was just poor. However we were not to be deterred, it maybe have been bad food but we were still going to get our 9 dollars worth! Well that was until a kid sitting at the table next us started puking (after careful examination it was determined that he threw up before he ate any of the food, which was a good thing for us I guess). Well after the puking incident we pretty much lost our appetite and therefore could not get our 9 dollars worth. Also the fortune cookies sucked! They didn’t tell us our fortune they just cracked bad jokes! Oh well you can not win them all I guess. Moral of the story is do not go to super china star buffet any more.