Friday, February 10, 2006

Complete Randomness

For long time readers of the blog you will notice that I have used this title before, for new readers welcome to a recurring title I will use with some of my blog entries when they have no theme, they are just random. To all my readers, I am sure none of you care. So on with the show!

Did you hear about the HUGE trade that went down today? ABC traded Al Michaels to NBC for the rights to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, four rounds of golf and Olympic highlights. (I am not even joking, here is the link)
How awesome is this, I didn't realize broadcasters got traded. Anyway I have to wonder about ABC here, I mean trading one of the best play by play man ever for the rights to some cartoon bunny no one has heard of and some sports highlights? Is this the ultimate salary dump? If Al Michaels stays on for the NBA on ABC then I guess ABC got the better of this deal. What if trading broadcasters became a common occurrence? Then someone needs to trade for Bob Costas because he is being wasted at NBC. Maybe FOX could offer NBC the rights to Arrested Development and three sitcoms to be named later for Costas, then Costas can call football and baseball games! How awesome would this be? Although NBC does have big plans for Costas in their Sunday night football instudio show, they are in such a dire need for sitcoms maybe the promise of four sitcoms will get them to part with Bobby.

You probably have realized I have not blogged about the Super Bowl. This is because it was the most boring somewhat close superbowl of all time. The Steelers didn't win it, the Seahawks lost it I think (refs helped). Both teams didn't play well, Big Ben had a bad game, Troy "I cover 30% of the Earth" Palamalu (I spelt that wrong) made about 2 plays the whole game. Shaun Alexander had the quietest 95 yards rushing in football history. Add to that the commercials were terrible it was a forgettable superbowl. I still had fun however, because no matter how bad the game is you are still with your friends, drinking beer and eating tons of junk food. It doesn't get much better then that.

So how about the OC lately? Johnny is finally dead, which is good because I was getting sick of him. Katlin is gone (which is sad, TV needs more hot 14 year olds that are sex symbols. These are just jokes folks) Sadie, Johnny's cousin, seems to be a new character that is going to take Johnny's place as the person to come between Ryan and Marissa ( I like Sadie better because she is hot and not an butmunch, yes I just used the word butmunch. Welcome back to 1995). So it seems the OC is ready to go into the third part of the season. My experience in watching the OC so far (only part of last year and all of this year) is they really have three seasons in one season. They rap up about three major stories each year, the biggest ones being late in the year. So the next third of the season looks somewhat promising. The bad news is there are no more new episodes until March 9! I cant wait that long! Plus every NBC show is off the air for about a month (Scrubs, the Office and My name is Earl). At the risk of sounding like a typical American, I think I hate the Olympics (okay not true they are pretty cool, but I miss my TV!)

Okay kids I am done blogging for the night. I really have to start getting to work on my research paper, which I put off on Friday during the little freetime I had to watch a crappy 1985 movie called the Explorers (staring a 12 year old Ethan Hawk). It was so bad I could not believe I wasted my time watching this movie. In a nutshell it was about three high school students who happen to have the combined IQ of Einstein times 100 million. They build a spaceship and meet aliens who watch a lot of TV. The twist is that the aliens they meet are just kid aliens and their dad gets pissed when they see him with humans. Seriously, I am going to fail my research paper over THAT!!??

Argh, I can not go on anymore . . .