Sunday, March 12, 2006

Welcome Edge

The Cardinals signed the Edgerrin James today. I still do not believe it. These are not the Cardinals I know and love! The Cardinals I know and love would have talked to Edge for the weekend and then Edge would have left town, gone straight back to Indy and gotten an extra $2 million a year from the Colts, so basically using the Cardinals as a bargaining chip. The Cardinals I know would sign a few fringe guys like Kendrick Clancy and Milfrod Brown (who they did sign) and then maybe add one somewhat name like Will Allen (who they might sign), call it a free agency and still be 10 million under the cap. The fact that they went out and got a stud, big name, future hall of famer IN HIS PRIME is insane. Not normal Cardinals here, but I love the signing. James is going to be HUGE for them (they still need to improve the line, Brown will help a little but they should use the #10 pick on an lineman). Edge, Boldin and Fitz? Its over, see ya. The 2006 squad will easily be the most talented Arizona Cardinal team to ever take the field (but they last years was probably the 2nd most talented and they only won 5 games). It looks like things are turning around for this once hapless franchise, I know expect, instead of hope, them to make the playoffs next year for the first time in my life.
This leads me to wonder why the Colts let him go. I guess they wanted to give that money to Reggie Wayne, but is Reggie Wayne really more important to that team then Edge? Do they think a James Mungro is going to step in and do what Edge does? Whatever RB goes there is going to have it easy because of the attention put on the passing game, but they will miss edge.

The World Baseball Classic is in full swing and I must say, its pretty awesome. I did not know what to think of originally but it is alot of fun to watch, it is popular (trust me, you would not believe how many people come into my store looking for WBC stuff) and it is interesting. Its critics say it interferes with Spring Training and no one cares. Not true, I would think playing in "exhibition" games of this magnitude against some of the talent these teams have would be better for a player then playing some of the scrubs they play in Spring Training. Plus it is nice to see all these stars playing together in games that actually mean something (the WBC means ALOT more then homefield advantage in the World Series, which was a good idea but I think it needs to stop being decided by the all star game). My favorite random moment of the WBC so far: Getting home from the bars at like 2am on Friday morning March 3rd and seeing Byung Hyun Kim pitch for Korea on ESPN vs some team named Chinese Tapiea. That was fun.

The first Saturday of spring break started out pretty bad when I had to get called into work, but it ended awesomely. After I got off of work I went to the bars with Baker, Bjorn and their friend Mike Benne (Did I spell that right). Anyway Mike is one crazy funny dude, so he made the night entertaining. We pulled into Maloney's parking lot at about 10 and there is a part of Maloney's parking lot that kind of dips and tonight it was just filled with water (In case you live out of state, Arizona's record drought ended on Saturday with about 20 straight hours of constant rain). We were going to drive through it untill we saw an SUV go through it and its tires disappear in the water. If an SUV barely got through it, a Ford Tourus (which we were driving) was not going to get through it. Of course this led to about 100 Oregon Trail jokes (i.e should we ford the river, should we take the ferry, should we hire an Indian guide to help us across, what if Aaron drowns or dies of a disease, what if we lose an Oxen or break an axle. Okay actually those were all the jokes we made.) After spending about 10 minutes at Maloney's we went to the Vine and enjoyed free food and drink (thanks to gift money Bjorn had via poker). We even had the waitress pick our drinks at one point. She came back with some crazy shot that included alot of Tabasco sauce. I backed out of that, thats to much shot for me. Bjorn took his shot and proceeded to puke all over the table. I must say, it was high comedy. Moral of the story is, dont let a waitress pick your shots.

Okay kids its off the spring break for me. Enjoy selection sunday!