Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Oscars

Lets see, it’s a Sunday night and I have a management test to study for, I have to start writing my 25 page research paper, I have a four page research proposal due on Thursday and a two page research paper on a certain type of dance due sometime soon. Instead of working on any of this today I went to IHOP, watched the Mavs-Suns game in beautiful HD (suns look great), and watched the Academy Awards. So, yeah I will look back on this blog in about two months and be able to pinpoint the exact time in which my grades went to hell.

Anyway like I mentioned earlier I watched the Academy Awards tonight (well not all of it, just the parts that mattered). Anyway I decided to have my own Oscars. Since I, like most Americans, like movies other then the dramas. The Oscars only reward dramas usually, however there are also some very good comedic and action performances that go unnoticed. So for that I give you my Oscars:

Best Supporting Actor:

Nominees: Mickey Rourke (Sin City), Liam Neeson (Batman Begins), Paul Rudd (40 year old Virgin) and Seth Rogan (40 year old Virgin).

Winner: Mickey Rourke-

His character was so unbelievably cool in this movie and I never get sick of watching it. I thought he did a great job acting and making Merv one of the coolest characters I have ever seen on the big screen.

Best Supporting Actress:

Nominees: Catherine Turner (40 year old Virgin), Isla Fisher (The Wedding Crashers), Rosario Dawson (Sin City), Dakota Fanning (War of the Worlds).

Winner: Catherine Turner-

I have a feeling the 40 year old Virgin is going to win a lot tonight. Catherine did a great job however as the girl Steve Carell finally loses his virginity too. She is very believable and I thought she did a pretty good job.

Best Actress:

Nominees: Rachel McAdams (The Wedding Crashers), Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line), Jessica Simpson (Dukes of Hazzard).

Winner: Reese Witherspoon

Okay so Jessica Simpson didn’t deserve to be on the list, its just I was all out of other nominees and she is hot. Anyway of course Reese was going to win this, I mean she won the real life awards. I wanted to give it to McAdams because her performance in Wedding Crashers put her on the map. But it is hands down Reese’s award. She did a damn good job in Walk the Line.

Best Actor:

Nominees: Christian Bale (Batman Begins), Nathan Fillion (Serenity), Vince Vaughn (The Wedding Crashers), Steve Carell (The 40 year old Virgin), Jamie Foxx (Jarhead).

Winner: TIE! Steve Carell and Christian Bale-

Am I allowed to split the vote between to actors? The answer is yes because these are my awards. Anyway I could not decide, Carell was so darn good in 40 year old Virgin that it’s impossible not to give him the award. I mean he actually had his chest waxed in that movie! The pain was real! Christian Bale single handedly brought the Batman franchise back from oblivion with his strong performance as both Bruce Wayne and Batman. Both men deserve this award.

Best Picture:

Nominees: Sin City, The 40 year old Virgin, The Wedding Crashers, Serenity, Star Wards Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Batman Begins.

Winner: The 40 year old Virgin-

Hands down the funniest movie of the year (I will argue this over the Wedding Crashers). Good story, good acting, very funny and very strong characters. Some of the best parts of the movie weren’t even what the main story was about, like the scenes in which they are all working. In the end the movie turns into more of a chick flick but its very entertaining throughout and I think stands up stronger then the Wedding Crashers which kind of fades at the end. It was really hard not to give this honor to Sin City, which is one of the coolest movies ever made. Serenity was the darkhorse, the movie was not about to win any real life awards but it was very well acted and very entertaining to watch.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed my first ever Oscars. I hope you tune in next year to read what I have to say. Over the coming weeks I will not have a chance to write that much because I am very busy. Spring Break is next week though and I will have a lot of blog material so that is coming up. Other then that it might get pretty slow until school ends but be on the lookout for my TV year in review coming up in May. Until then I hope you keep tuning it, because I will try to provide you all with some good stuff during my busy times.