Friday, March 24, 2006

Amare Returns!

So Amare Stoudemire returned today after missing about 6 months of the NBA season. Seeing him play gave me one of the most giddy feelings I have ever gotten watching sports. I mean, Amare is back! That’s HUGE! Forget the fact you could have slapped a Chris Webber jersey on his back and no one would have known the difference, it still looked damn good to see. Although he was not explosive (a lot of finesse lay up finishes instead of the power dunks we know and love) he had the jump shot working beautifully (you could tell he had been working on that all this time, it was automatic). One thing Amare can still do, even without his explosiveness right now, is get to the free throw line. The suns put up 125 points tonight and it didn’t even seem like they played that great offensively. Lets just say seeing Amare back was awesome, I am stoked for the playoffs and pumped to see how Amare returns and progresses. {edited 4/1/06: Forget everything I said. :( }

Okay OC talk. First off for those who read this blog and don’t really know me all that well, you may think the OC is my favorite show. Well its not, I can’t say I really like this show but I don’t miss episodes. It’s hard to explain, everyone watches it and it’s a good conversation piece. At the same time I don’t really like any of the characters except for Sandy, who is awesome. Seth’s comedic impact to the show, in my opinion (of course), is so overrated. He is not funny at all; in fact I really don’t like this character at all. That being said the show needs him, all that being said its still damn fun to watch and talk about. So here I go with a few quick points on the latest OC episodes:

  • Promo for the next weeks episodes states ‘The most explosive episode yet.” Can we put a cap on the amount of times the OC can use this tag line? Because I think I have watched about 10-12 most explosive episodes yet.
  • Volcheck (sp?) is a creep! I mean honestly girls, could I be a complete bitch to you and your friends, kidnap you, fight your boyfriend and then when you break up with him I stalk you and creep you out so much that you just end up having sex with me? Does this really work? (Answer is no in the real world, yes in the OC world. Just another reason why we should all live in the OC world). Exact quote from J to the ustin about Marissa and Volcheck’s relationship: “That is going to be a great relationship.” (note heavy sarcasm).
  • I think Sadie is damn hot.
  • Sandy Cohen is hands down the coolest TV dad ever.
  • WTF happened with that Jes girl? I mean she went of being a slut on acid to living in a mansion and being obsessed with Ryan? Umm Random.
  • How about the last episode. Just a bunch of sex. I mean I was watching it on TIVO at like 2am and I was pretty sure I had accidentally switched over to a free trial of Skinamax.
  • I don’t see why Sandy was so upset at Matt for letting Marissa spend that night. To make my point let me substitute a few words from the famous Ghostbusters quote: “If an underage girl asks if she can sleep over at your house, you say YES!”
  • I am genuinely nervous about what Sandy is going to do with Matt. He needs that hospital to be built, but he also knows Matt is getting the raw deal. I would hate to be in his situation, I cringed when Matt called him late in the episode. Luckily Sandy didn’t answer, that’s a problem future Sandy can deal with.

Finally I want to pimp myself. I had LSU beating Duke in the sweet 16. Redick going 3-18 in the game? Ouch. The collective universe hating JJ might have finally caught up with him (I am the only one in the world I think who does not hate him, and he will be drafted by the Utah Jazz, more on that late in the blog.) I cant believe how UCLA came back to beat Gonzaga. That was insane, I mean JP Batista was so careless with the ball and when Ravio go the ball after UCLA scored to take the lead he was so unnecessarily out of control with the ball it was ridiculous (redickulous?). I really don’t like Ravio, I mean I think I hate him. It was rough seeing Morrison cry hard on the court (although he really doesn’t look like a guy who would cry). I felt for him though, I hope he succeeds in the next level. I think Matt Baker was devastated by the loss too. I am only basis this on the fact that he his a huge Gonzaga fan, and about .000001 seconds after the game ended he kept asking me and J to the if we wanted to watch the OC. However we were so shocked by what just happened we couldn’t answer (well I couldn’t answer at least, I was in some kind of coma shock just watching Morrison cry) anyway after we didn’t answer Baker threw the remote at us and went upstairs. Bottom line: That whole last 2 minutes of the Gonzaga game was just surreal. Oh yeah and the Texas-WVU game was crazy too.

One last comment on Utah, I watched a Jazz game while in Utah on Wednesday and I must say I think they are trying to phase out black players from their team. Seriously, look at their starting lineup. AK-47, Matt Harping and Mehment Okur are white, and Carlos Boozer and Deron Williams are very light skinned “brothers” (probably to help ease the transition to all white guys). The Jazz lack outside shooting the most and I bet Redick is around when they are up in the NBA draft. Crazy Mormon city.