Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Complete, Super, Udder Randomness

Loyal readers may remember some past complete randomness blogs, but I give you the first ever Complete, Super, Udder Randomness Blog. I have so many things that mean nothing to write about I combined them into one super blog that will take over the very world YOU live in.
You must excuse me so long for not updating the blog, I wrote a nice long blog about the past three movies I watched but it didn’t save and pretty much killed my will to live. Anyway I start this off with three quick movie reviews-

The Da Vinci Code-
Its long and slow and that’s about all you need to know. You know its going to be rough when the movie is 2 ½ hours long and it still leaves out almost all the back story of the book. One of my biggest pet peeves about the movie was Professor Langdon (Tommy Hanks) cracks these incredible hard codes in nanoseconds. He seems to have epiphanies at will. In the book they spend pages upon pages trying to figure out what the code meant, so it meant something when they finally figured it out. In the movie its just Tom Hanks figuring stuff out instantly. The worst was a scene were they most go to London to find “a knight A Pope interred”. In the book they sneak into a library and go through tons of documents trying to figure it out, in the movie they spend two seconds on google on an internet cell phone and boom! They figure it out
2 out of 5 stars

Overall not a bad movie, but it was the worst of the bunch. They movie basically centers around Wolverine and Strom (I wonder if this has anything to do with Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry?). In the comics the main storylines never revolved around them, but it the third one its all them all the time. No more team work, no more Cyclops (who was left dead by all three movies, I think if the studios had it their way they wouldn’t use him at all), Prof X plays a minor role, so does Rogue. Its pretty much the Wolverine, Storm, Jean Grey, Magneto show. Overall the movie is not that bad, but it’s a far cry from the first two which were excellent.
2 ½ out of 5 stars

I never thought I would see this movie in the theater but it’s really not that bad. The storyline is simple, a title wave capsizes a cruise ship and a few lucky people try to find their way to the surface of the boat and escape. It stars Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell, Richard Dryfuess (spell check) and some other people who I recognize but names I don’t remember. It also has Kevin Dillion in it, who seemed to be on load straight from Entourage (he played a guy named Lucky Larry, but he basically was Johnny Drama he even had the mustache.) The movie is nothing great, but entertaining none the least.
3 out of 5 stars

I have not got a chance to touch on the D-Backs sense the Suns season ended. You have to love the D-Backs timing. They play great ball all throughout the Suns great postseason run and no one notices. Once the Suns get eliminated they proceed to: Lose seven straight games, activate Russ Ortiz and watch him pitch so horribly they cut him and eat 22 MILLION DOLLARS (Rob Neyer recently released a book called The Big Book of Baseball Blunders, you gotta believe if he would have waited Russ Ortiz might be in the book. 4 years 32 million dollars for 5-15 with a 7 era.) They also have one of their players busted in a performance enhancing drug scam. We can chalk the past week up to probably the worst week in Diamondbacks history. But hey, they ended the streak against the Giants so all is good in life.

Dwayne Wade single handedly saved the Heat’s season last night, but I really don’t think he can do it for 3 more games which is what he is going to need to do. Mavs in 5. All the media people seemed to be blinded by Shaq, Wade and Riely and didn’t realize that the Mavs absolutely OWN the Heat (the Suns would have too. Which makes me want to cry, the Suns could have been NBA champs this year). I also wonder, when did the NBA add the You Cant Touch Dirk Rule? I’m just wondering, I’ve flipped through the rule book and can’t find it. It must be hidden in the back.

After watching almost every 90s game of the ESPN classic NBA finals marathon it had me thinking. I’ve run into a few people in my travels that will tell me Magic was the best player ever, better than Jordan. While Magic was a great player, that’s not true. No one had as much talent and the competitive drive that Jordan did. Anyway to prove my point I just point to the 1991 NBA finals. Now I know showtime was older, but in Jordan and Magic’s only head to head matchup Jordan won 4 games to 1 which also included the Bulls wining three straight games at the Great Western Forum. That’s a pretty convincing statement (the Bulls also went 15-2 in the playoffs that year). So I will point to the 91 finals in my argument that Jordan is the best player ever (for those few that think Magic is).

Going to the Dbacks-Giants game tonight, $1 dollar hot dogs!! How many can I eat? I’m putting the over/under at 4.

Off I go to spend my lazy summer day either by the pool, at the gym, at work, playing oblivion or Mario Kart or watching TV. Summer rules!