Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dwyane Jordan?

If you would have told me in mid-March the Miami Heat would be NBA champions I would have doubted it, but while saying anything could happen when you have Shaq and Dwyane Wade on your team. Lets fast forward to Game three, Dallas up 13 with 6 minutes left. Are we looking at a sweep? The something happened that might have shifted the NBA Earth off its Axis, Dwyane Wade transformed into Michael Jordan.
Now I am one guy who HATES MJ comparisons. Some players like Harold Miner, Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady have all been compared to Jordan. Most of these guys that get the Jordan comparison are just great scorers, the media doesn’t seem to realize no one can match Jordan’s drive and competitiveness. Dwyane Wade just did, I’m not trying to say he is Jordan but he sure has hell played like Jordan during the Heat’s four straight victories. I remember working in 2004 when the Heat were in the NBA playoffs and Wade was a rookie and a group of kids came in and told me he was the next Jordan. “Hey I like Wade, but stop making Jordan comparisons, “was along the lines of something I said. Who knew they would be right three years later? From the crazy shots, to the sure desire to win to taking his team on his back Wade was in Jordan’s class that finals. He is not, however, in Jordan’s career class yet. However he is better than Kobe (not the team player he could be) and better than Lebron (who is more of a Magic Jordan type). Before I put Wade up on this GIANT pedestal I would like to point out that Jordan would NEVER have missed two free throws late in a game like that. Jason Terry had one hell of a look at the end of the game but shouldn’t that ball go to Dirk at all costs? P.S. I am so glad Jason Terry didn’t win. I dislike the “Jet” with a passion.
You have to love Karma, which is the biggest reason outside of Wade that the Mavs lost. Their level of whining about officiating rivaled the Sacramento Kings circa 2002 (and me after game 4 of the Lakes-Suns series. However let me defend myself and say that was the only time I’ve blamed officials for a loss and I feel stupid that I did it). Hey refs don’t cost you four games in a row, so deal with it Cuban (as much as I like Cuban I couldn’t help to be happy he lost the NBA finals. His act grows old when there is no other basketball story to focus on).
Did 1996 Alonzo Mourning step out of a time machine for the game tonight? He was all over the place, but I was also afraid he was going to die on the court. I think Zo gave every bit of energy he possibly had left in his body to play the way he did tonight. Me thinks retirement for him now.
Finally I type the last sentence doing my impression of the Miami Heat PA announcer, who is hands down the most annoying man in the business.

Okay you get the point, man he goes to town on the first vowel in every word he says.

My parting shot is with Shaq, only 13.7ppg in the finals yet he still won another ring. I am happy for him, but still you gotta wonder. Wade gets all the credit for this ring; easily Kobe could have gotten all the credit had he been on the team. Looks like Kobe never should have gotten rid of Shaq.
This was the best NBA finals in a while, about 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 times better than the one last year. The NBA playoffs were great this year, lets hope next year is even better (ie Suns title).