Sunday, June 25, 2006

Enter the Matrix

Enough with it all! The constant Shawn Marion trade rumors have always bugged me, but it is starting to get ridiculous. In delusional Suns fans long list of complaints about Marion only a few of them made sense, only one seemed like really that big of a deal, he didn’t perform in the playoffs. I don’t see how this can be said anymore; he put the Suns on his back in some big games in the playoffs. For all the things he does, scores points, rebounds plays solid defense (although he is an overrated one on one defender) people all seem to want to look at his very few flaws which are, he is a max player (not a flaw of his own, and any team in the league would pay max to have Marion), he doesn’t create his own shot (does he really need to when you have a two time MVP point guard?), he cant dribble and that is about it. People seem to come up with other random things that are so minor no one should really care. If Marion made 10 million dollars a year no one would talk about trading him, so 5 million dollars makes people want to trade him for 75 cents on the dollar? This is a player who never gets hurt, never gets in to off the court trouble, says all the right things and never passes up an opportunity to play for this country. He is also a good guy, I’ve witnessed this first hand. Another thing, Shawn Marion is one of the most entertaining suns ever! Have you ever heard an interview with this man? If they put all his interviews on DVD I would be the first to buy this DVD. Then his random comments about how he could score 35 points a game if he got the ball more, or whenever he has a bad game he just blames the fact that he doesn’t get the ball enough (he says these things yet they never really come into play on the court, it has never been a problem). Also about 99% of the trade rumors I hear about him or horrible trades that no one would ever do. Let me go over a few I have heard lately:

Marion for Tyson Chandler and the #2- Are you kidding me? Who are you gonna take #1 that is gonna be better than Morrison? Brining in Chandler might help on defense, but he would not fit on the team.

Marion for Charlie Villanueva and the #1- Puhhhlease, see above trade scenario.

Marion to the Bulls for Kirk Hinirch and the #2- So the Suns should get smaller?

The latest rumor I heard that started all this is Marion, Barbosa and the #27 to Seattle for Rashard Lewis, Danny Fortson and the #10. This is the best Marion trade scenario I’ve read about (minus Marion for Garnett, more on that later) but I still wouldn’t do it. Sure the Suns will have some money problems soon, sure Rashard Lewis would be an amazingly perfect fit for the Suns offense its still not worth it to part with two key members of a WCF team. Yeah moving up 17 spots is nice, but this draft doesn’t seem great enough to really justify giving up Marion and Barbosa. Also there is no way in hell Fortson comes here; he and the Suns are not on the best terms.

Finally the only Shawn Marion trade rumor that I heard that has ever made sense was Marion for Garnett straight up. This is the only one that I would do (but I would be very sad to see Marion go) and it would never happen anyway. What, would the T-Wolves team revolve around Marion and Ricky Davis?

So finally I must say, DON’T trade Marion and stop talking about it. Shut up and enjoy watching a phenomenal one of a kid basketball player who gives it his all, is never hurt, goes up against guys much bigger than him, goes 20-10 and wont hesitate to tell you everything that I just told you.

Because as Shawn Marion would say, “asjdfkasjk haha, know what I’m sayin?”