Sunday, May 28, 2006

Farewell Cottonwood House

I must apologize for being a week late on this blog, I would say I have things to do but its summer now and my days consist of being really bored. Last Saturday night, May 20th consisted of the last party and the send off to the famed Cottonwood House. It was appropriately named One Last Call and it was one hell of a party. It was also a sad event, because it ended the three year run of the house that pretty much defined my college experience and a lot of other people that I know. The kids that live in it, Bjorn, Ed, Matt, Josh and Jermey are moving out.
The house was nice, but also a shithole, just your perfect college house. Most of the time the floor was very dirty, it smelled, beer bottles were everywhere, the backyard full of weeds and the pool water was some god awful color that definitely wasn’t blue (part of a Room Raiders episode was taped their recently because Ed was on the show. The girl had an open wound, stuck her hand in the water and needless to say bad, bad things happened). So way was this house great? Because it was college. It was were everyone hung out, were everyone met up before going out for the night, and were the best parties I have ever attended were thrown.
I remember the first party, way back in September 27, 2003. Why do I remember the exact date? Because the party was so good it was deemed: 9/27/03 never forget. I was only a sophomore in college, but it still ranks as the best party I have ever been to in my life. I think around 400 people were crammed into that house partying the night away. I’m not sure we knew what that night had started; I think we all had too much to drink to ever really know.
Parties were thrown once every three months I say, big parties that is (not counting the small “box socials” that were just as fun). Charging five dollars at the door for guys always made the guys that lived there some good money (or at least enough to cover the Kegs. All I know is I never had to pay). Let’s not forget the video game machine near the kitchen that had great trivia games like erotic trivia, a great game to play in the middle of a good party. Things got a little tougher to deal with when the party ordinance was passed by Tempe. The original law was once the cops came to a house to break up a party they issued a warning and if they had to come back within 12 hours it was a fine. Well the ordinance upped that from 12 hours to 90 days. That’s right 90 FREAKING days! This put a limit on the parties to about three a year. Heck all the cops in Tempe seemed to know about the place, I think one even knew Bjorn by name by the time it was all said and done.
The party flyers were great, usually brilliant creations by Ed and Bjorn. The flyers usually boasted a “Bjornstock” or a “Booyafest” and made ridiculous promises like “DJ Matpac on the wheels to steel”, “Sykokore Reunion show”, “8 kegs” and “no functioning toilet.”
Best moments I can remember from over the years? I remember being under 21 while the Cops were in the house hiding in Bjorn’s room with Ed, proclaiming that if a cop came in the room I would “protect Ed’s political career.” I remember another times the Cops came and five black guys bolted over the fence which sparked Justin to say, “Those black guys sure know how to run from the cops.” I also remember when the cops came some guy had a full pitcher of beer and rather than toss it he started to pound it while the Cop stood right next to him. That is the greatest thing I have ever seen. In fact I think all those happened during the same party. I remember playing countless drinking games, meeting tons of awesome people, and acquiring some great college memories along the way. Everyone I ever met in college was usually at these parties, so for a few nights every year it actually seemed like I knew a lot of people. So I’ll miss the makeshift dance floor, arguing random sports topics with random people, all the memories, all the funny stories that were told a few days afterwards, all the drunk people that made fools of themselves, and all the people I got a chance to meet, have a drink, share a laugh and have an overall good time with while I was in college. So when I went to the last party last Saturday, I was kind of sad but ready to have one last good time. I saw most of the familiar faces, drank and danced the night away and drank a little to much. So when I finally got home after the party at about 3 am I ended my ten year run of no puking. Maybe not the most storybook ending, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll miss the Cottonwood house, here is hoping its tradition lives on.

P.S. A few party memories (and house) I forgot to mention:
The entire boom squad gang yelling “Boom Squad” at the top of our lungs for like an hour straight.
The Booyafest pumpkin I carved for the Booyafest that took place a week before Halloween.
The beers were always ¾ foam
Some guy who thought he was Andre of Outkast started to recite the entire “Hey Ya” when it came on during one party and a very drunk Matt Cock battling him with hilarious results.
Back before bars and before any of us were 21 when the house was the best way for us to drink and hang out.
X-Mas break 2003 when we played non stop Mario Kart, NCAA football and Tecmo Super Bowl all break long (that will go down as my best Christmas break ever).
All the Halo
All the beer pong and other drinking games
I know I am forgetting stuff, for those that read this and can think of anything I am forgetting leave a comment with your memories. If not that’s cool I am being over sentimental right now, but hey its my damn blog!

I guess that’s all I have, all good things come to an end sometime. If the Cottonwood House was a TV show, last Saturday would have been the series finale.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Running Down a Dream

So here we go again, another Western Conference finals and another tough playoff series versus the Mavs. It boggles my mind that this Suns team has found their way into the WCF. Without Amare they were supposed to be done, without Kurt Thomas they really had no shot in the playoffs. When is the last time a team that played two guards and three small forwards has made it to the WCF? It just goes to show how the NBA is changing, with the lack of big men it is becoming smaller much like college ball. Much like March Madness these NBA playoffs have been great. Now we have two solid mach ups in the conference finals.
I can’t believe this is the same team that was down 3-1 verse the Lakers that seems like ages ago. They have played great ever since then, and have played in some very tough games. Beating the Lakers was great and I didn’t expect them to beat the Clippers, however the Suns just came out gunning again and played game 7 verses the Clips just like they played verse the Lakers. I guess the Suns just own LA basketball teams. Can the Suns beat the Mavs? I don’t think so, but I didn’t think they would beat the Clippers. They could beat the Mavs and they seem to play the them well. I think it will be a great series and if Kurt Thomas can return to form he will give the suns MUCH needed rebounding and defense. I know the Suns are up to the challenge, Shawn Marion has already stated, “I’ve got Dirk.” Good to hear, Marion can D up Dirk very well. It may seem crazy but it’s easier for him to guard Dirk than it is Brand, Dirk is a better scorer but he is not as punishing as Brand. Whoever Nash has to guard is going to dominate. He can’t stay with Devin Harris or Jason Terry. It’s going to be interesting and I won’t make any predictions. I’m just going to sit back and watch the Suns run down a dream.

I want to touch on the Mavs-Spurs series, people have been calling this one of the greatest series of all time. Sadly I had to move, had cable problems and was unable to see games 4 and 5 and missed probably the two best games of the series. I missed Jason Terry taking over in OT of game four and his ulitmiate "jumanji" of Michael Finley in game 5 (actually Reggie Evans was still worse. Terry just punched, Evans grabbed and pulled.) I think everyone was sure the Spurs had that game won after Manu hit that three. Mark Cuban thought it was done. So why the HELL does Manu try and contest that Dirk shot with the Spurs up three with less than 24 seconds left? That is top ten most bonehead moves I have ever seen. Say what you want about the no call on Duncan, you can directly point to Manu's mega error as what cost the Spurs their shot at a repeat (that and destiny, the Spurs will never repeat. They will win it all next year, but they will never repeat. Maybe Detroit and the Spurs will trade championships for the next five years. I sure hope not). So who is going to be in the NBA finals? Well the chic pick seems to be the Heat will beat the Pistons. I'll go against the "experts" and pick the team that is so obivously going to win. I think the Mavs will beat the Suns, but I'm not going to make a prediction. I just don't know.

Friday, May 19, 2006

2nd Annual TV Awards Blog

So I finally moved and I now have internet connection back! My new place: Wilshire Pines, or the Shire as we folks like to call it. More on this later though, it’s the end of the TV season and I have to give my second annual TV awards blog. Before I start I want to touch on the season finale of the OC, and the series finale of That 70s Show.

So Marissa is dead, I have to give props to Justin for calling this. The minute he saw the preview saying someone would die he predicted Marissa’s death and even predicted Catlin would take over the show, which it looks like she might. I really wish they would not have broadcast the fact that someone died though, because that could have been the most shocking season finale ever. I don’t think I have ever seen a hit show kill off one of their main characters after just three seasons! I’ve heard every rumor why the OC did this, ranging from Mischa Barton wanted to explore a movie career to the OC didn’t want her back. What are they going to do next year? How was Catlin going to be involved? I’m sad Marissa is gone, she is the reason I started watching the show. Midway through season two I heard rumors of the lesbian action she was about to get involved in and started watching and I have been watching ever since. The show won’t be the same, I just don’t know what to think.

Preceding the OC season finale was That 70s Show series finale. I always make it a point to watch series finales, even if I don’t really watch that show anymore. I just like to see how shows wrap up their long, successful runs. For anyone who has been watching, that 70s show really ended last season when Eric and Kelso left. Kelso came back with about 15 minutes left in the hour long episode and Eric returned with about five minutes left. That was their first mistake, because once Erick and Kelso walked so screen the show, which has been lost all year, felt instantly right again. However the whole cast was only together for five total minutes and it was not even that good of a scene. Every great series finale always has that finale scene where you can see the emotion in the actor and actress’ eyes and you know for sure that this is the finale scene ever. With tonight’s finale there was no grand final scene, just some random scene were they are all in their famous circle and then the credits rolled. Overall it was really disappointing and it did not wrap up the series well at all. But enough negativity, That 70s show started when I was in high school back in 1998 and lasted until my last year in college in 2006. It has been a great show, with an incredible rewatchablity factor. It will easily find a place in my top ten sitcoms of all time list.

Finally I want to continue with my TV awards for this past season, not including 24 or Lost because I don’t watch those shows (not that I don’t want to watch, I just don’t have the time). So to recap, these are from shows that I watch not every show on TV.

Best New Show: My Name Is Earl, NBC.

Runner Up: How I Met Your Mother CBS; Invasion ABC.

It was tough to decide between Mother and Earl, but in the end I have never seen a show quite like My Name Is Earl before. I can’t believe NBC finally found a smart, funny, witty comedy that they didn’t can after five episodes. The premise is so unbelievably simple it’s great. It has good characters, good supporting cast and its very charming. NBC finally has a couple of hit comedies on Thursday night again with Earl and the Office.

The Vince Carter Award for “Can be great when it tries, which is 10% of the time”:

Smallville, WB.

I still love this show, however it can bet very pointless at times. But when they focus on episodes involving Clark’s destiny (usually the season premiers, finales and a few ones in-between) it is the best show on TV.

The New Show that is so Horribly Bad its Very Funny Award: Yo Mamma, MTV.

Okay I have only seen this show once or twice and it is the worst show to ever hit cable TV. However it is so bad it’s funny. It’s hosted by Fez and the object of the show is two guys battle it out with insults. During one episode when Fez told the guys to come with their best insults one guy actually said, “Your house is so small we ordered a pizza and had to eat it outside.” I mean is that really an insult? Fez loved it, then he called a conference with his two random friends and after agonizing over a decision declared that guy a winner.

The “My Career Was Saved by a Random Cameo” Award: Neil Patrick Harris, Barney on How I Met Your Mother.

NPH somehow parleys a random cameo in a movie about two guys who are so high they want to go to White Castle into a sitcom role that just might land him a best character award from me sometime in the near future. I love this man.

The Roller Coaster Award: The Office, NBC.

Its first season was so incredibly great that the 2nd one could not possibly live up to it. The start of the second season was bad, but it finished strong. Its easily NBC’s best show.

Farewell to: Invasion, ABC; That 70s Show, FOX; Will and Grace, NBC.

I already touched on That 70s Show and I don’t care about Will and Grace. Invasion was so damn good it’s a shame ABC cancelled it. However it rode Lost’s coattails. I don’t watch Lost so this is probably a dumb thing to say, but if Invasion aired two years ago before Lost was ever around I think it would have stayed and been a huge hit. But everyone watches Lost instead and they don’t want to sit around for another Lost like drama (that moves really, really slow by the way). I loved it however and I will miss it.

Best Mini-Series: Into the West, TNT.

Talk about saving my summer by giving me something to watch. Into the West is the best mini series ever.

Now for the Big Awards:

Best Character/Actor:

Nominees: Charlie Sheen, Charlie Harper, Two and a Half Men; Ethan Suplee, Randy Hickey, My Name is Earl; Kevin Dillion, Johnny Drama, Entourage; Jermey Piven, Ari Gold, Entourage.

Winner: Johnny Drama

Okay I am sure some of you saw this coming since I use Johnny Drama as the name for my fantasy Baseball and Football teams. You gotta give it up to the guy, consistently funny, crazy guy who is just awesome. For a while during Entourage’s summer run Kevin Dillion became bigger than Matt Dillion. At one point during the summer Taylor even called him the, “new Cosmo Kramer.” That alone makes you a shoo in for character of the year in my book.

Show of the Year:

Nominees: Two and a Half Men, CBS; Entourage, HBO; Scrubs, NBC;

Disclaimer: I never nominate first year shows for show of the year, unless they are just insanely kick ass. The only first year show I can ever think of that would have won the award was Ed if I was doing this blog back then.

Winner: Entourage

What can I say? The show is funny, cool, super hip, it looks into the private life of a celebrity, has memorable characters, great actors and cool guest stars. I could not wait for every Sunday night last summer to watch the show. It was also helped that it was on during the summer and had no competition. I want to point out that it took me a very loooooooong time to decide between Entourage and Two and a Half Men. It was that close of a race. Scrubs is on the nominee list because if I had to chose only one show to watch it would be Scrubs, but I go by more of what happened during the past year instead of what show is my absolute favorite. I like to remain somewhat journalistic (even though I don’t watch Lost, 24 or the Sopranos which every good TV critic probably should).

Well I hope you enjoyed me TV awards. Please leave me comments on what you think of my awards, what shows you think should have won (doesn’t have to be ones listed), thoughts on the OC, or anything! Just start leaving me comments! Only my aunt and the Large have had the moxy to leave me comments, so lets see you all step up to the plate! Or don’t, its actually not that big of a deal.

Later kids.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Welcome Back Matrix!

Clark Kent could change into Superman in a split second, all he had to do was find that phone booth and BOOM! Superman he was. For Shawn Marion, well he usually takes about two games into a playoff series to change into the Matrix (sometimes the Matrix doesn’t show up, example being the 2005 Western Conference Finals). He arrived big time in the crucial game three tonight, playing 47 minutes while scoring 32 points, grabbing 19 rebounds and adding four steals. Don’t forget one epic halftime interview; I think the exact quote was: “Come on man, sahdjkaskldfjklj you know what I’m sayin? Hahaha.”

Friday night’s game was one of the weirder ones I’ve seen. After coming out and just outrunning the Clips in the first game, the Clippers came back in game two and blew out the suns while grabbing about 100 more rebounds than the Suns. The Suns did some interesting things in game three, like switching Shawn Marion onto Cassell (2-10, 6pts) and playing all world defense on Elton Brand (7-17, 20pts 9reb). Yet Nash plays a bad game and the Suns shoot just 37% yet they eke out a victory thanks to the appearance of the Matrix and Steve Nash’s game winner. As much as the Rad Man wanted this game, it was a HUGE win for the suns. The Suns finally won a game decided by three points or less and grinded it out in a defensive minded game. That’s a good sign.

I also didn’t see a whole lot of the game, missed the entire 3rd quarter due to an epic four player, 40 wrestler battle royal played by Bjorn, Justin, Easy E and I on N64’s WCW/NWO Revenge (best wrestling video game ever, also played during halftime/third quarter was NBA Showtime. PS I won the Battle Royal!). Although we were watching the 4th quarter of the game, we weren’t watching it intensely like we should have been because a somehow we got into a heated debate about the X-Men. If you don’t know who I am you may have read the last two sentences and think I am about 12 years old, you’re wrong I’m 21 and loving it!

Bottom line is the chips were down for the Suns, no one could shoot and even Brian Grant got onto the court somehow. How did the Suns win this game? Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the MATRIX!!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I dont have much else to say, other than this picture is awesome. I guess I better touch on the Suns-Lakers game 7 while I am at it. I was surprised the Lakers got blown out, I really was. I dont buy into all this Kobe quit stuff, the game was over in the 1st quarter. When I was very angry at Game 4 I wrote in the blog how frustrated I was with the Lakers "luck." They seemed to get every loose ball, make crazy shots and all their role players that played unspectacular during the regular season were playing great in the postseason. Well it seems like after game four the breaks started to even out and those role players fell back to Earth and that is the main reason the Suns won (that and the Brazilian Barbosa. Well actually his nickname is the Brazilian Blur but Kevin Harlan keeps wanting to call him the Brazilian Barbosa.) It was good to see the Suns carry their momentum into the 1st game against the Clippers last night. Its gotta suck for the Clippers to shoot 60% and score 123 points and lose by seven. I'm still not sure how that happened. Lets hope for many more yayos in the future.

Friday, May 05, 2006


It is what it is, an incredi-series. I underestimated the Lakers and I think a lot of Suns fans did. I thought the series would be done in five (Suns winning), but who would have foreseen the Lakers completely changing their game? Who would have guessed that Lamar Odom would start playing like a taller Scottie Pippen? Who would have thought Kobe would stop jacking? Who would have though Phil was start coaching great, oh wait he always coaches great. I hope this puts to rest the whole, "he just has great players" argument. The guy can coach. Just a few days ago the Suns where basically done and I was mega frustrated (as evidence by my post just a few seconds after the game. I would completely retract the post but I like the Gay Laker picture. So Ill retract most everything I said in it. I still think the Suns got screwed with the call, but everything else Ill retract).

Most everyone thought the Suns where done (all the stupid Laker fans that came into the store did, I have a feeling the real Laker fans where not totally sure the series was over). I must say I did seem like an unusual amount of articles came out about the “Hallway Series” in the past week. America writing you off is always good for motivation, not saying everyone wrote of the Suns however. After the Suns lost that tough game 4 I told Justin the suns where gonna win the series, I sure as hell didn’t believe it, I was just saying it. However it really doesn’t surprise me that this series is going to a game seven and how can it the way it’s gone? Anything could happen on Saturday Night. Kobe could go for 100. Lamar Odom could hit up the chronic during half time a la that guy from the old Playmaker series. Smush Parker might wake up and realize he really is a five year old kid dreaming. Tim Thomas could challenge anyone on the Lakers to a dark off and win easily (Kwame Brown would be the best match up for him). Kobe and Raja could hug it out, or Raja could come to the game strapped and start firing caps at the Lakers bench. To use a TNT tagline “now this is drama!”

Game Six was one of those games; I guess it was to Suns fans what game four was to Laker fans. Playing without Raja (very stupid foul on his part in game five but it did spark and awesome war of words between the two. Plus it led to the classic Raja “That’s your foul” comment to the Zen Master and Kobe’s “Who is this kid, do I know this kid?” and “He needs a hug” comeback. By the way, the Tim Thomas contract watch is up to 8 million a year if you factor in Isaiah its probably close to the A-Rod contract (even though that wouldn’t be allowed by the NBA). After Tim Thomas hits that mega three (which he followed up with a yayo, which made it more awesome) I was happy, but I was 100% sure Kobe was hitting the game winner. There was not a doubt in my mind, the only time I can remember saying out loud a tie game involving the Suns was over and I truly meant it. I can’t believe Kobe missed that shot, unbelievable. Then Kobe steps straight out of NBA jam in OT and starts raining in “on fire” shots to make the Suns very uncomfortable despite their very comfortable lead. Nash played amazing; maybe we can make both these guys MVP?

Brilliant to watch, this series is just amazing. Its physical, both teams don’t like each other, there has been trash talk, crazy endings, controversy, big shots hit by both teams, and two great players at their absolute peak battling it out in an all out war. I would have to say this is the most entertaining basketball series since the Lakers-Kings 2002 Western Finals. This is playoff basketball; if the Suns win game seven then the rest of the NBA playoffs will be like playing on house money. They could win on Saturday night and lose to the Clippers in four and I really wouldn’t care (well I would but you know what I mean). Just amazing, a great series and I don’t think my heart can take a game seven, but its going to have too.

Best part of Game Six that didn’t involve game winning shots and OT? TNT comes back from break and a guy has two cardboard cutouts, one says KO the other says BE. He holds it up but the KO is backwards so it reads OK and the BE is upside down so it reads upside down EB. So the sign said OKEB. Good old Laker fans. Also when the game ended and they went to the booth I ahve never seen Charles Barkley look so depressed. He must have lost at least $500,000 on the game. We all know Barkely roots against the Suns even though he loves them, but man that was so blatant in the post game. I seriously thought he was going to cry.