Saturday, May 13, 2006

Welcome Back Matrix!

Clark Kent could change into Superman in a split second, all he had to do was find that phone booth and BOOM! Superman he was. For Shawn Marion, well he usually takes about two games into a playoff series to change into the Matrix (sometimes the Matrix doesn’t show up, example being the 2005 Western Conference Finals). He arrived big time in the crucial game three tonight, playing 47 minutes while scoring 32 points, grabbing 19 rebounds and adding four steals. Don’t forget one epic halftime interview; I think the exact quote was: “Come on man, sahdjkaskldfjklj you know what I’m sayin? Hahaha.”

Friday night’s game was one of the weirder ones I’ve seen. After coming out and just outrunning the Clips in the first game, the Clippers came back in game two and blew out the suns while grabbing about 100 more rebounds than the Suns. The Suns did some interesting things in game three, like switching Shawn Marion onto Cassell (2-10, 6pts) and playing all world defense on Elton Brand (7-17, 20pts 9reb). Yet Nash plays a bad game and the Suns shoot just 37% yet they eke out a victory thanks to the appearance of the Matrix and Steve Nash’s game winner. As much as the Rad Man wanted this game, it was a HUGE win for the suns. The Suns finally won a game decided by three points or less and grinded it out in a defensive minded game. That’s a good sign.

I also didn’t see a whole lot of the game, missed the entire 3rd quarter due to an epic four player, 40 wrestler battle royal played by Bjorn, Justin, Easy E and I on N64’s WCW/NWO Revenge (best wrestling video game ever, also played during halftime/third quarter was NBA Showtime. PS I won the Battle Royal!). Although we were watching the 4th quarter of the game, we weren’t watching it intensely like we should have been because a somehow we got into a heated debate about the X-Men. If you don’t know who I am you may have read the last two sentences and think I am about 12 years old, you’re wrong I’m 21 and loving it!

Bottom line is the chips were down for the Suns, no one could shoot and even Brian Grant got onto the court somehow. How did the Suns win this game? Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the MATRIX!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey I love all the Suns talk, but when are you going to start hyping BOOYAFEST 2006...6...6...6...6
The Last Call...To Get Shitty!

-The Large

p.s. Its also time to Blog about the greatness that will be "The Shire"