Friday, May 05, 2006


It is what it is, an incredi-series. I underestimated the Lakers and I think a lot of Suns fans did. I thought the series would be done in five (Suns winning), but who would have foreseen the Lakers completely changing their game? Who would have guessed that Lamar Odom would start playing like a taller Scottie Pippen? Who would have thought Kobe would stop jacking? Who would have though Phil was start coaching great, oh wait he always coaches great. I hope this puts to rest the whole, "he just has great players" argument. The guy can coach. Just a few days ago the Suns where basically done and I was mega frustrated (as evidence by my post just a few seconds after the game. I would completely retract the post but I like the Gay Laker picture. So Ill retract most everything I said in it. I still think the Suns got screwed with the call, but everything else Ill retract).

Most everyone thought the Suns where done (all the stupid Laker fans that came into the store did, I have a feeling the real Laker fans where not totally sure the series was over). I must say I did seem like an unusual amount of articles came out about the “Hallway Series” in the past week. America writing you off is always good for motivation, not saying everyone wrote of the Suns however. After the Suns lost that tough game 4 I told Justin the suns where gonna win the series, I sure as hell didn’t believe it, I was just saying it. However it really doesn’t surprise me that this series is going to a game seven and how can it the way it’s gone? Anything could happen on Saturday Night. Kobe could go for 100. Lamar Odom could hit up the chronic during half time a la that guy from the old Playmaker series. Smush Parker might wake up and realize he really is a five year old kid dreaming. Tim Thomas could challenge anyone on the Lakers to a dark off and win easily (Kwame Brown would be the best match up for him). Kobe and Raja could hug it out, or Raja could come to the game strapped and start firing caps at the Lakers bench. To use a TNT tagline “now this is drama!”

Game Six was one of those games; I guess it was to Suns fans what game four was to Laker fans. Playing without Raja (very stupid foul on his part in game five but it did spark and awesome war of words between the two. Plus it led to the classic Raja “That’s your foul” comment to the Zen Master and Kobe’s “Who is this kid, do I know this kid?” and “He needs a hug” comeback. By the way, the Tim Thomas contract watch is up to 8 million a year if you factor in Isaiah its probably close to the A-Rod contract (even though that wouldn’t be allowed by the NBA). After Tim Thomas hits that mega three (which he followed up with a yayo, which made it more awesome) I was happy, but I was 100% sure Kobe was hitting the game winner. There was not a doubt in my mind, the only time I can remember saying out loud a tie game involving the Suns was over and I truly meant it. I can’t believe Kobe missed that shot, unbelievable. Then Kobe steps straight out of NBA jam in OT and starts raining in “on fire” shots to make the Suns very uncomfortable despite their very comfortable lead. Nash played amazing; maybe we can make both these guys MVP?

Brilliant to watch, this series is just amazing. Its physical, both teams don’t like each other, there has been trash talk, crazy endings, controversy, big shots hit by both teams, and two great players at their absolute peak battling it out in an all out war. I would have to say this is the most entertaining basketball series since the Lakers-Kings 2002 Western Finals. This is playoff basketball; if the Suns win game seven then the rest of the NBA playoffs will be like playing on house money. They could win on Saturday night and lose to the Clippers in four and I really wouldn’t care (well I would but you know what I mean). Just amazing, a great series and I don’t think my heart can take a game seven, but its going to have too.

Best part of Game Six that didn’t involve game winning shots and OT? TNT comes back from break and a guy has two cardboard cutouts, one says KO the other says BE. He holds it up but the KO is backwards so it reads OK and the BE is upside down so it reads upside down EB. So the sign said OKEB. Good old Laker fans. Also when the game ended and they went to the booth I ahve never seen Charles Barkley look so depressed. He must have lost at least $500,000 on the game. We all know Barkely roots against the Suns even though he loves them, but man that was so blatant in the post game. I seriously thought he was going to cry.