Sunday, May 28, 2006

Farewell Cottonwood House

I must apologize for being a week late on this blog, I would say I have things to do but its summer now and my days consist of being really bored. Last Saturday night, May 20th consisted of the last party and the send off to the famed Cottonwood House. It was appropriately named One Last Call and it was one hell of a party. It was also a sad event, because it ended the three year run of the house that pretty much defined my college experience and a lot of other people that I know. The kids that live in it, Bjorn, Ed, Matt, Josh and Jermey are moving out.
The house was nice, but also a shithole, just your perfect college house. Most of the time the floor was very dirty, it smelled, beer bottles were everywhere, the backyard full of weeds and the pool water was some god awful color that definitely wasn’t blue (part of a Room Raiders episode was taped their recently because Ed was on the show. The girl had an open wound, stuck her hand in the water and needless to say bad, bad things happened). So way was this house great? Because it was college. It was were everyone hung out, were everyone met up before going out for the night, and were the best parties I have ever attended were thrown.
I remember the first party, way back in September 27, 2003. Why do I remember the exact date? Because the party was so good it was deemed: 9/27/03 never forget. I was only a sophomore in college, but it still ranks as the best party I have ever been to in my life. I think around 400 people were crammed into that house partying the night away. I’m not sure we knew what that night had started; I think we all had too much to drink to ever really know.
Parties were thrown once every three months I say, big parties that is (not counting the small “box socials” that were just as fun). Charging five dollars at the door for guys always made the guys that lived there some good money (or at least enough to cover the Kegs. All I know is I never had to pay). Let’s not forget the video game machine near the kitchen that had great trivia games like erotic trivia, a great game to play in the middle of a good party. Things got a little tougher to deal with when the party ordinance was passed by Tempe. The original law was once the cops came to a house to break up a party they issued a warning and if they had to come back within 12 hours it was a fine. Well the ordinance upped that from 12 hours to 90 days. That’s right 90 FREAKING days! This put a limit on the parties to about three a year. Heck all the cops in Tempe seemed to know about the place, I think one even knew Bjorn by name by the time it was all said and done.
The party flyers were great, usually brilliant creations by Ed and Bjorn. The flyers usually boasted a “Bjornstock” or a “Booyafest” and made ridiculous promises like “DJ Matpac on the wheels to steel”, “Sykokore Reunion show”, “8 kegs” and “no functioning toilet.”
Best moments I can remember from over the years? I remember being under 21 while the Cops were in the house hiding in Bjorn’s room with Ed, proclaiming that if a cop came in the room I would “protect Ed’s political career.” I remember another times the Cops came and five black guys bolted over the fence which sparked Justin to say, “Those black guys sure know how to run from the cops.” I also remember when the cops came some guy had a full pitcher of beer and rather than toss it he started to pound it while the Cop stood right next to him. That is the greatest thing I have ever seen. In fact I think all those happened during the same party. I remember playing countless drinking games, meeting tons of awesome people, and acquiring some great college memories along the way. Everyone I ever met in college was usually at these parties, so for a few nights every year it actually seemed like I knew a lot of people. So I’ll miss the makeshift dance floor, arguing random sports topics with random people, all the memories, all the funny stories that were told a few days afterwards, all the drunk people that made fools of themselves, and all the people I got a chance to meet, have a drink, share a laugh and have an overall good time with while I was in college. So when I went to the last party last Saturday, I was kind of sad but ready to have one last good time. I saw most of the familiar faces, drank and danced the night away and drank a little to much. So when I finally got home after the party at about 3 am I ended my ten year run of no puking. Maybe not the most storybook ending, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll miss the Cottonwood house, here is hoping its tradition lives on.

P.S. A few party memories (and house) I forgot to mention:
The entire boom squad gang yelling “Boom Squad” at the top of our lungs for like an hour straight.
The Booyafest pumpkin I carved for the Booyafest that took place a week before Halloween.
The beers were always ¾ foam
Some guy who thought he was Andre of Outkast started to recite the entire “Hey Ya” when it came on during one party and a very drunk Matt Cock battling him with hilarious results.
Back before bars and before any of us were 21 when the house was the best way for us to drink and hang out.
X-Mas break 2003 when we played non stop Mario Kart, NCAA football and Tecmo Super Bowl all break long (that will go down as my best Christmas break ever).
All the Halo
All the beer pong and other drinking games
I know I am forgetting stuff, for those that read this and can think of anything I am forgetting leave a comment with your memories. If not that’s cool I am being over sentimental right now, but hey its my damn blog!

I guess that’s all I have, all good things come to an end sometime. If the Cottonwood House was a TV show, last Saturday would have been the series finale.


Anonymous said...

I had a few to add, being introduced to SoCo, ASU football on TBS, and eating lil smokies during the Pats-Eagles Super Bowl. Sadness I couldn't make the going away bash.